
Rhodes>Mathematics>News and Events>SAMS 2018>Special Session - Lie symmetries and other approaches in solving nonlinear differential equations

Special Session - Lie symmetries and other approaches in solving nonlinear differential equations

Nonlinear differential equations model many physical phenomena in biology, fluidmechanics, engineering, finance, economics, etc. In general there is no theory for solvingnonlinear differential equations. However, researchers have developed methods that can beemployed to solve certain nonlinear differential equations. For example, the Lie symmetrymethod, the inverse scattering transformation method, the Backland transformationmethod are prominent among other well-known methods for solving nonlinear differentialequations.

The aim of this special session is to showcase recent progress in finding solutions tononlinear differential equations by various methods and to stimulate collaborative researchactivities.

Session Organisers:

  • BP Ntsime (University of Johannesburg) <>
  • CM Khalique (North-West University) <>

Last Modified: Fri, 05 Oct 2018 14:42:41 SAST