

Amy Sutherland receives Vivian de Klerk Prize

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Amy Sutherland was presented with the 2010 Vivian de Klerk Prize for the highest marks achieved by a Linguistics 2 student continuing to Linguistics 3 at a special presentation made at the beginning of a Linguistics 3 lecture on Friday 27 March.?

It is the second year in a row that Amy Sutherland has won the prize for the highest marks in her class, having been awarded the UPB Prize last year for her Linguistics 1 results. The award also continues the dominance of the Amys in Rhodes Linguistics, with Amy Richardson having won the Bill Branford Prize for top Linguistics 3 student. If you find this all a bit confusing, you're not the only one!

Vivian de Klerk, who was the head of the Department of English Language and Linguistics from 1990 to 2006 before becoming Rhodes University's Dean of Students, gave a short motivational speech to the Linguistics 3 class. She encouraged them to keep on working hard and aiming for excellence in their upcoming exams, and to consider postgraduate studies once they had finished their degrees.