

“Connect with your Personal Librarian”


The Personal Librarians set up an information desk in the Library foyer.  During the 7 hours spent at the desk, a total of 106 students were reached. Of this total, 35 students were recorded in the PL log book as wanting to be contacted in the future for library assistance. Their needs included: Short loan assistance, Plagiarism, Refworks, Ebooks, Databases, Searching for information, finding credible Sources of information, Access Pharmacy, help with Journals, Books and reading material, and Referencing skills.

As can be seen from the above, the needs that were articulated by students when they encountered the Personal librarians at the desk, made it very difficult for these librarians to limit their assistance to undergraduate students. 

The event was a resounding success and the Personal Librarians are hoping that it will have a lasting impact on their relationship with the students.  In addition to contacting the students who expressed a particular need for library assistance, the Personal Librarians will shortly be sending out a personal invitation to the programme to all First Year Students.