

Power, Practices and Discourses in Higher Education

Rhodes University is set to host the South African Sociological Association (SASA) conference from 26 June to 29 June 2016. Two hundred international and national guests will gather to discuss pressing issues in higher education as well as socio-economic issues in marriages and intimate relationships, through issues of race, citizenship and health policy.

The keynote address will be given by Professor Zine Magubane from Boston College, United States. Prof. Magubane’s areas of specialisation include social theory, sociology of post-coloniality, race and ethnicity, globalization, race and popular culture, gender and sexuality, and the sociology of African societies.

Panel discussions on funding a transformed higher education system, reflecting on the Humanities Charter, social science and interdisciplinarity and imagining the higher education agenda of the future for Africa.

For more information, please visit