At a special awards ceremony held recently, 100 Rhodes students were recognised for their leadership potential and contribution to the life on campus at Rhodes University.?
The annual Top 100 Students awards are given for a range of categories: Academic; Arts, Culture and Media; Community Engagement; Sport; General Excellence and the Dean of Student Leadership Awards. This latter category is the most onerous and students are required to excel in at least three different fields.
Most of the other categories required students to perform exceptionally in at least two spheres of their category. Elements such as taking initiative, being a role model, showing responsible leadership, inspiring others and going the extra mile were some of the criteria applied.
The recipients walk away not only with the prestige of being named in the Top 100, but also with certificates and glass trophies. To qualify, each candidate had to be nominated by a group of peers, write a letter of motivation and have their academic and disciplinary record checked.
Guest speaker at the occasion, Mr Setlogane Manchidi from Investec in Johannesburg, entertained those present with a lively talk that saw him walking among the group and urging them to “Do what you do so well that you cannot be ignored”, as well as to “Live life - sleep less” and to “Do what you do in such a way that you take those less privileged with you.”
The Oppidan Press team (a student newspaper organisation), who collaborated with the Dean of Students Office to run the initiative, got a sponsorship from Investec to cover the costs of the cocktail party held in the Senior Common room, as well as the trophies.
The involvement this year of the Oppidan Press team made the event all the more extraordinary through their “Special Edition” print run which gave details of the award winners as well as the judges for each category, together with profile pictures and quotes.