

Drama Graduates strike like mint scented sledgehammers

Roshnee Guptar who graduated from drama honours last year is the director of Shaggy, a show that comprises six carefully crafted monologues expertly delivered to amuse and delight. Making this a show that is sharp and sweet and strangely appealing, much like a mint scented sledgehammer.

The performers are: Zanne Solomon who completed her MA drama this year and Tristan Jacobs who also completed his Honours last year. Co- Writer Anton Krueger has been lecturing in the Rhodes Drama Department since 2008.

These comic shaggy dog stories cast an irreverent, ironic eye on some of the mad machinations of contemporary South African society. The show parodies some of the more absurd situations in South Africa’s contemporary scenario in pieces dealing with subjects like conceptual art, alternative education, and the fandangle at the SABC.

The first in the series of Shaggy Stories (“The Truth about Kabous”) was published in Alookaway in December 2009, and due to an overwhelming response, the stories have now become a regular feature of the mag; with “The Dishwasher Woman” (April) and “The Conceptual Artist” (July) following close on the heels of Kabous.

Since the birth of the Shaggy Stories a steady ripple of laughter has begun to extend from the Hillbrow tower to Devil’s Peak.

You can catch the show at Drill Hall, Grahamstown during the National Arts Festival on the 20-26 June.

For more information contact go to page 144 of the national Arts Festival Booking kit available from Computicket stores or alternatively email