

The Library Building Project nearing completion

The Rhodes University Library Building Project is almost at completion stage following 20 months of construction work. Phase 1 which comprises the new section, was finished just prior to the start of the 2010 academic year, while Phase 2 - the refurbishment of the old library building - will be completed in mid-July.

The new section provides access to about 50% of the final completed building. There is significant pressure on facilities, collections and study areas which is causing much tension particularly in the light of current mid-year exam period. This is because only 358 of the 775 study seats (excluding computer and lounge chairs) are available.

To alleviate the pressure on the current facility, the Library is providing extended opening hours to midnight and 21h00 over the weekends. The extended hours will run from 11 May to 4 June.

The Dean of Students’ Office has also arranged to make the seminar rooms in the Stephen Biko Building available in the evenings and over weekends to accommodate students.

From July shelving will be erected on levels 2 to 4 of the refurbished part of the Library, and collections re-arranged into their correct location. Stock currently in storage across the campus will be returned to the Library in anticipation of the official opening of the new Library Building on 4 November 2010.

As the library building project reaches conclusion in mid-July 2010 and the facilities are commissioned , the planned new services are being implemented.

As part of the 2009 Library Services Review, proposals for the staffing structure re-organisation were agreed. The various Library Services Teams are starting to take shape through internal redeployment and external appointments. The process, started in January, is expected to be finalised by October 2010.

The Faculty Librarian Teams are not at full capacity yet. The intention is to finalise appointments, provide staff training and launch the full services in November 2010. A number of the Library Staff who have been appointed to new positions are still working in their old positions (on a part-time arrangement) to ensure continuity of services.

It is envisaged that the Faculty-Library Advisory Groups, proposed in the 2009 Library Services Review Report, will also be implemented in consultation with the Faculties, as part of the November launch.

Library Building Project progress can be followed at:

Project update: