

Journalism student in Twenty Ten dream team

By Harriet Knight

As a member of the Dream Team, Matthew Xola Mpahlwa will travel South Africa to cover the events in the run-up to and during the World Cup in June and July. He will be flying to Zambia on Sunday 21 March, for extensive training and will be back at the end of the month.

Last year 108 journalists from different journalistic disciplines (radio, photography and print) and 35 different African countries enrolled in the Twenty Ten training programme. Out of this “All Star” team only 18 candidates were chosen to be part of the “Dream Team”. Mpahlwa does himself and the University proud by being selected in the top 18 candidates.

The application process was very competitive being open to any African journalist in a variety of media disciplines. His investigative writing and skills in television were just the beginning of his long list of journalistic expertise which got him to the top.

Mpahlwa has worked as an investigative journalist for Sunday World Newspaper, a reporter for the Wild Cost Herald, a columnist for Izimvo Zabantu Newspaper and as a freelance journalist for Iindaba Zethu News. He currently works as a news wire reporter for the South African Press Association while continuing his studies in law.

Mpahlwa majored in Journalism in his undergraduate year with a specialisation in television. His new aspiration is to do his Master’s in Investigative journalism. “One day when my children ask me, father what have you been doing with your life?” Mpahlwa says he wants to answer, “I have made a life and a living out of chasing bad men. I have investigated the most corrupt and dangerous criminals in Africa and brought them to justice,” through telling the truth he wants to bring freedom to Africa.

Pic: Matthew Xola Mpahlwa.