What is the difference between the fourth-year degrees we offer
BJourn 4: This is the final year of the Bachelor of Journalism at Rhodes and it is the natural next step for many third year students. You need to have done your undergrad in JMS at Rhodes (with good marks!) in order to be accepted. BJourn 4 offers a nice mix of theory and practice, with the possibility of choosing between different specialisations.
BA Honours in Journalism and Media Studies: This is an excellent option for Rhodes JMS students who are interested in theory and generally enjoyed the Media studies component of their degree. It will also appeal to students from cognate (i.e. similar) disciplines and/or other universities who want to move into Media Studies. The Honours programme has a mainly theoretical focus and is an excellent entry point into our discipline and the culture of the School. During the first semester all students attend the core Media Studies course together with the BJourn4 students, covering issues such as identity, representation, coloniality, etc, in relation to the media. They also learn about research methodology. In the second semester they can choose between different electives and get their first taste of actual academic research when they write the research paper.
PGDipJMS: The Post-Graduate Diploma in Journalism and Media Studies is a practice-oriented course aimed at current or aspiring journalists. We accept mid-career applicants, as well as students from all disciplines who want to become journalists or digital media practitioners. It will also appeal to communication practitioners who want to "up their game". It has a strong focus on Digital Media in our post-colonial context. An option to focus on Economics Journalism is available.
PGDipMM: The Postgraduate Diploma in Media Management (PGDip in Media Management) is an intensive, year-long fulltime programme accredited at the honours degree level (NQF Level 8) by South Africa’s Qualifications Authority (SAQA). The programme is offered annually by the Sol Plaatje Institute for Media Leadership at Rhodes University.It is aimed at both students and mid-career journalists.The course is the only formal qualification in media management in Africa and the developing world, having been launched in 2004. It provides an insider view of how successful and sustainable media organizations operate in rapidly changing and discontinuous contexts that mark our media landscape today. For more information about this particular course, visit: /spi/latestnews/applicationsforpdmm2020arenowopen.html
Last Modified: Tue, 10 Dec 2019 12:12:17 SAST