
Rhodes>IWR>Research and Projects>Completed Projects>2022 Water for African SDGs CapDev

Water for African SDGs

CG Palmer, JL Tanner
September 2019–August 2022

Sponsor: UKRI-GCRF
Collaborators: Prof. Zerihun Woldu (Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia, Co-Director), Prof. Noble Banadda, Assoc. Prof. Isa Kabenge (Makerere University, Uganda), Prof. Serigne Faye (Cheikh Anta Diop University, Senegal), Prof. Ezechiel Longe (University of Lagos, Nigeria), Prof. Joel Nobert (Dar es Salaam University, Tanzania), Dr Nsengimana Venuste (University of Rwanda, Rwanda), Prof. Kevin Winter (University of Cape Town, South Africa), Prof. Seifu Gurmessa (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)

Project website: /iwr/aruacoe/

The ARUA-UKRI research programme Capacity Building Grant supports the Water CoE project, Water for African SDGs. The aim of the project is to establish and develop the ARUA Water CoE as an effective, high-performance hub and network of the researchers and postgraduate students from nine African universities. The CoE plans to use research to catalyse change towards social and ecological justice and sustainability, paying attention to the African community water and sanitation needs. The project team brings together diverse strengths in the area of water, so the nodes can flexibly link and innovatively respond to research funding calls, and effectively apply research.

The project objectives are:

  1. Create a Community of Practice (CoP) of African scholars, particularly Early Career Researchers (ECRs), conversant with water resources management in relation to the SDGs, with a complex social-ecological systems lens.
  2. Provide African scholars, particularly ECRs, with exposure to international facilities and scholars.
  3. Provide support for scholarly performance, for example, through publications and project proposals which are closely linked with the Research Excellence grant, and through postdoc support of writing.

Last Modified: Wed, 14 Aug 2024 12:41:11 SAST