
Rhodes>IWR>People>Students>Peter Waswa

Peter Wasswa

Peter Waswa

Working title of thesis:  Application of the Modified Pitman and SWAT models for groundwater recharge estimation in the upstream of the Uitenhage Artesian Basin (UAB), South Africa
Degree: MSc Hydrology
Supervisor/s:  Dr J. Tanner
Year of registration: 2021


I obtained a Diploma in Meteorology from National Meteorological Training School-Entebbe Uganda (NMTS) where, my dissertation focused on assessing the impacts of climate change on poverty eradication strategies in Kampala district. I then progressed to do a BSc (Hons.) in Meteorology from the Department of Geography, Geo-informatics and Climatic Sciences of Makerere University, Kampala-Uganda and my dissertation focused on assessing March-May Rainfall Characteristics and its effect on the Streamflow of River Kafu in Masindi district Catchment, Uganda. Currently, I am working on my master’s research at the Institute for Water Research (IWR)-Rhodes University, South Africa focusing on estimating groundwater recharge in the upstream of Uitenhage Artesian Basin using the Modified Pitman and SWAT models. The main objective is to evaluate the applicability and suitability of the Modified Pitman and SWAT models for groundwater recharge estimation in the upstream of UAB with the aim of providing information towards sustainable management of groundwater resources in the Uitenhage area.

Last Modified: Fri, 12 May 2023 10:21:47 SAST