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Dr Fenji Materechera-Mitochi

Dr Fenji Materechera-Mitochi


PhD, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
MSc (Geography), Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa
BSc Hons (Geography), Rhodes University, South Africa
BSc (Environmental Sciences and Geography), Rhodes University, South Africa


Dr Fenji Materecher a-Mitochi has a PhD degree in Science from the University of the Witwatersrand and an MSc degree in Geography from the then Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University. Her PhD research with a dissertation titled Farming systems in South Africa beyond 2020: a scenario-based study, using systems analysis, of the connectivity between farming systems in the Vhembe district, Limpopo, South Africa has produced multiple, high-quality research publications. Her primary research training is in human geography and environmental sciences with broader research interests around sustainability science, agricultural farming systems, food systems, governance in agricultural systems and the application of systems analysis as a tool to solve complex problems. Her current research work is focused on the land-water and agricultural nexus and positioned at the farm scale. She has strengths in applied qualitative research methods and community engagement.

She is currently actively engaged in the implementation of a 3-year WRC-funded project working with farmers and institutional actors in the agricultural value chain under the title: Governance and institutional arrangements for accelerating equity in the water-land-agricultural nexus: A case study of resource poor farmers in smallholder irrigation schemes in the Lower Sundays River and Great Fish River catchments. She supervises a PhD student under this project. She is a research fellow under Rhodes University African Studies Centre Postdoctoral Research Fellowship and a member of Golden Key International Honours society in recognition of her achievements as a top academic achiever in her postgraduate studies.


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LinkedIn: Fenji Materechera-Mitochi
Tel: +27 (0) 46 603 7587

Last Modified: Thu, 04 Jul 2024 16:22:43 SAST