
Rhodes>Intra-Africa-AWARMN>Our People>FUTMINNA_Gilbert_Ndatimana

Gilbert Ndatimana

Gilbert_NdatimanaCurrent degree:                MTech. Applied Hydrobiology

Type of mobility:              MTech degree seeking mobility

Host university:                Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria

Home university:              University of Rwanda



After realizing the alteration of life on our planet including water resources challenges mainly caused by climate change, I felt motivated to provide my contribution especially aimed at getting solutions to the African water resources challenges. I have skills in biodiversity conservation approaches and research project design and monitoring. After my Mtech hydrobiology, I intend to strengthen my pioneered conservation-based organization to address local and regional water related issues, while keeping my research spirit to find out possible solutions to the present water challenges in Africa. I furthermore intend to pursue PhD studies to keep boosting my skills.



I am currently working on assessment of health status of Bosso lake, Minna, Niger state with the use of macroinvertebrates as bioindicator. In fact, little information is known about the water quality of the Lakes in Niger state, Nigeria. However, pollution is increasing as human population and their activities increases. Those include agricultural pesticides, fertilizers, plastics, settlement delivered debris and other toxins from surrounding environment. These affect negatively the quality of water and the aquatic species that are inhabited. Therefore, I intend to determine the composition and distribution of macroinvertebrates based on different stations of the lake, determination of physicochemical characteristics of the Lake water and characterise the lake trophic status by mean of developing the Multimeric Index. It anticipated that the present study will cover the gap of insufficiency information regarding the Lake and guide water bodies policy makers to be driven by tangible facts with scientific evidences.


Previously, I did research on different animal species with various aspects. For instance, I worked on skeletal evidences of injuries in mountain gorilla hand and feet (Manuscript for publication under process); Detection of African queen butterfly’s male killing bacteria (Spiroplasma Ixodetis) in Rwanda, using molecular analysis (This paper is under review of African Journal of ecology); temporal and field works on vervet monkey, bats, golden monkeys and birds.  



Monitoring of Rugezi marshland ecosystem, with Burera Youth Community as zoologist and conservationist.

Project of Water and sanitation Corporation, Rwanda (WASAC) entitled “Design, Rehabilitation, Upgrading and Extension of water supply network in Rusizi city and its peri-urban areas”, acting as environmentalist intern.

Mountain gorilla skeletal project (MGSP), conduct my memoir project entitled “Skeletal evidence of injuries of the hand and feet in Virunga Mountain gorillas”.


Organisations and Awards:

Rugezi Ornithology Center (ROC): Co-founder

Training Hub Ltd: Researcher, Department of environment


Skills and Expertise:

Conservation biology

Research and project writings

Computer skills and software such as R and QGIS



Advanced course of conservation biology with DFGFI/Karisoke Research Center

Biodiversity summer school (data sciences and analysing tools) with AIMS-Rwanda


I interested to do:

Advanced programming languages to boost the application of my acquired skills in hydrobiology.



Linkedlin: Gilbert NDATIMANA

Twitter: @NdatimanaGilbe1

Facebook: Ndatimana Gilbert Bien prepare

Instagram: Gilbert Ndatimana    

Skype: Gilbert Ndatimana

Last Modified: Fri, 18 Feb 2022 10:37:50 SAST