Current degree: PhD Applied Hydrobiology
Type of mobility: PhD Degree-seeking mobility
Host university: Federal University of Technology, Minna (Futminna), Nigeria
Home university: Université Nangui Abrogoua (Una), Abidjan, C?te D’ivoire
I am motivated by the desire to learn new things. Apart from obtaining a PhD from this program, which will be an additional qualification in my academic career and will have given me the opportunity to learn from leading researchers in my field, participation in this project also offers me the opportunity to be bilingual and also to immerse myself in other cultures than my own through this academic stay in Nigeria. With a Master's degree in Environmental Science and Management, I intend, after obtaining my PhD, to enter a field related to environmental expertise and at the same time pursue research to propose innovative solutions to current environmental challenges.
The research project I am currently working on is the assessment of the ecological quality of several rivers in the North Central Region of Nigeria. This assessment will be based primarily on the aquatic communities present, particularly aquatic macroinvertebrates. This will be done through the development of a multimetric index of macroinvertebrates according to the types of pollution present in the different landscapes of this region and through the development of a database of macroinvertebrate bioecological traits. These two applications will be linked to the environmental variables of the environments studied.
July 2020: Scholarship for PhD in Applied Hydrobiology – African Water Resources Mobility Network (AWaRMN)
January 2018: Participation at the 3rd edition of the field school of the Water resources in Wet tropics of West-Central Africa project, initiated by UNESCO.
November 2018: Participation at the 4th edition of the field school of the Water resources in Wet tropics of West-Central Africa project, initiated by UNESCO.
Organisations and Awards:
January 2021: Certificate of participation in the Webinar Series initiated by IWET (Industrial Water & Effluent Treatment) initiated by SMART Water & Waste World.
October 2020: Certificate of online training from the Francophone Institute for Sustainable Development (IFDD) and Senghor University on the Environmental Assessment of Development Policies and Projects.
October 2019: Certificate of online training from the University of Paris Sud on the France Université Numérique platform on data analysis using the R software.
November 2018: Certificate of participation in the 4th edition of the field school of the Water resources in Wet tropics of West-Central Africa project, initiated by UNESCO.
May 2018: Training certificate for the R Software, UNIVERSITY NANGUI ABROGOUA, Abidjan, C?te d’Ivoire.
Skills and Expertise:
Water quality assessment; Environmental and Social Impact Study; Sizing of drinking water supply network; Sizing of irrigation networks; Drinking water and wastewater treatment systems; Geophysical prospecting and drilling.
Environmental engineering, Ecology of aquatic environments, Protection of aquatic environments, Fisheries and aquaculture, Fish pathologies, Functioning of aquatic ecosystems and biological assessment tools, Hydrobiology, Mobilization of surface water, Geophysics, GIS and Remote sensing, Urban and agricultural hydraulics, Water law, Water treatment, Water catchment and water management.
Last Modified: Fri, 18 Feb 2022 10:37:50 SAST