Current degree: PhD Hydraulics
Type of mobility: PhD Degree-seeking mobility
Host university: National Higher School of Hydraulics, Algeria
Home university: University of Dschang
What motivates me is the sacrifice made by my parents so that we have a good education, my brothers and me. Add to this, the desire to bring my modest contribution to the development of Africa because the water sector directly affects social problems. I am gifted in the geophysical characterisation of geological material from specific and physico-chemical water software. After my current diploma, I would like to get a post in a company or continue with a postdoctoral fellowship.
My research project concerns the smart irrigation of the arboriculture of the plain of Mitidja.
The Mediterranean region, and more specifically North Africa, has suffered from recurrent episodes of droughts, which may very likely become worse in the future. As a result, this pressure is felt on the water resources mobilized and even mobilisable, because with the extension of the irrigated areas (1.3 million hectares currently), the overexploitation of water resources becomes inevitable. This is the case with Mitidja, famous for its citrus fruits. Indeed, its water table is used for drinking water supply and irrigation. However, this water table has fallen by more than 40 meters in some areas and the volume extracted annually is estimated at nearly 300 million m3 (MRE). Another problem identified is the management of irrigation schedules by arborists. In fact, the majority follow more or less random schedules, because they are not based on the conditions and characteristics of the soil, nor on climatic hazards and even less on available water resources. Several researchers have shown that intelligent irrigation is the best solution for the planning of irrigation and the quantification of water, essential for crops. The aim is to improve the irrigation systems present in the Mitidja plain and provide better management of water resources by producing a decision-making tool necessary for farmers.
To date, a bibliography research is in progress in order to better understand the subject, to identify the different methods adopted as well as their limits.
Skills and Expertise:
Hydrogeology - Hydrogeochemistry - Geophysics - Structural analysis - Cartography - Petrography
Last Modified: Thu, 17 Feb 2022 15:19:19 SAST