

FUT MINNA AWaRMN Students present papers on their on-going research work at the 15TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF NIGERIA


Gilbert at Lekki conservation center
Gilbert at Lekki conservation center

Gilbert Ndamana and Action Simon, both Masters’ degree students of Applied Hydrobiology, Federal University of Technology, Minna (FUTMINNA) attended the 15th Conference of Zoological Society of Nigeria (ZSN) held at the Tolu Odugbemi Hall, University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos State, Nigeria; from 27th -30th November 2022. Gilbert presented a paper from his ongoing research entitled” Beyond traditional approaches: Development of macroinvertebrate based Multimetric index for water quality monitoring in lakes Lambata and Tagwai, North Central Nigeria”. Action Simon on the other hand presented a paper titled, “Effects of water column and sediment variables on benthic macroinvertebrate (BMI) community structure and composition in selected streams of North Central Nigeria”  Both studies provided useful information on better understanding of BMI community ecology and stream health, which contributes to successful biomonitoring processes of water bodies. The conference provided the participants an environment where the interacted freely with eminent scholars, researchers, mentors and plenary speakers from different corners of the World inspiring young Zoologists with the main theme “The Role of Zoology in a Post COVID-19 Era “. The conference also provided a platform for discussion/interaction, excursion full of field experience; for instance, Lekki Conservation Center and Zoo at OMU resort were visited. According to Gilbert; ‘I learnt a lot in this conference, expecting to make strong contribution to my future career’.

Gilbert 1Gilbert 2 Gilbert 3
Gilbert Ndamana presenting

Action Simon presenting his paper