The University Senate and Council of Rhodes University have announced that Drs Paul Cowley and Olaf Weyl, Principal Scientists at the South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity (SAIAB), are invited to become Honorary Professors in the Department of Ichthyology & Fisheries Science (DIFS).
These prestigious appointments are in recognition of the above scientists’ prolonged and ongoing teaching and supervision of large numbers of BSc (Honours), MSc and PhD students at Rhodes.
The staff of SAIAB are extremely proud of the above recognition and look forward to a long and continued mutually beneficial relationship with DIFS and other departments in the University.
In the words of SAIAB Managing Director, Dr Angus Paterson, “NRF National Facilities such as SAIAB are required to be highly integrated into the Higher Education system and these honorary appointments indicate that SAIAB is indeed playing a significant role in this sector. Rhodes, along with a number of other universities, are SAIAB stakeholders and we look forward to ongoing fruitful collaboration.”
By Prof Alan Whitfield, Chief Scientist, SAIAB