

Task Committee

The HIV and AIDS Task Committee

The HIV and AIDS Task Committee is a sub-committee of Senate that was set up to monitor the University’s HIV and AIDS policy and facilitate its implementation . Responsiblity for the implementation of the policy falls within the appropriate divisions of the University, such as the Human Resources department for staff, CHERTL for Curriculum issues, the Dean of Students office for student issues, and the Research office. The Task Committee includes representatives from the responsible University divisions, as well as from a range of student and staff structures and organizations, such as the Unions, NEHAWU and NTESU, the SRC, the TAC and SHARC, the Oppidan Union and the Board of Residences. It also includes representatives of some academic departments and Faculties. The Task Committee receives reports from its constituent members, and therefore acts as a tool for co-ordination, and monitoring and evaluation of the University’s response to the HIV and AIDS epidemic. 

It is chaired by the Deputy Dean of Students, Advocate Hashatse, and reports through the University’s committee structures to Senate and Council. It meets on a quarterly basis.

Last Modified: Fri, 02 Jun 2017 16:39:45 SAST