

Rhodes University: Health Suite Indoor Cycling

Shaping Leaders

Compiled by Tracy Probert, with guidance from Cycle Pro Academy’s Level 1 Instructor Course Manual (Heger, G)


In Indoor Cycling, the workload is governed by 3 controllable variables: RESTISTANCE, CADENCE and BODY POSITION.

Q: What is resistance and how does it work?

A:RESISTANCE refers to how much friction is being applied to the flywheel by the brake mechanism.

  • Our bikes in the studio work on a scale of 5- 10.
  •    Each rider should gauge on a scale of 5-10 their own RPE (Rate of Perceived (Muscular) Exertion). In other words, one person’s 10 out of 10 is different to their neighbours 10 out of 10. It all depends on the person’s personal leg strength.
  •    If, at any time your feet feel like they are spinning out of control, the resistance nob also act as an emergency stop by pushing directly down on it.

Q: What is cadence?

A:CADENCE refers to pedal speed, and is measured as the amount of time the pedal crank arm completes a full revolution in one minute.

  • It is referred to as the RPM (Revolutions per minute)


Q: How do I set up my bike? How do I make sure that I have set up my bike correctly?

A: There will ALWAYS be a Section Assistant available to assist with bike setup. However, there are a number of checks which you can do to make sure you have set up the bike correctly. These are listed below;


There are 3 different ways which one can check for correct saddle height:

  • Stand on the floor alongside the bike. The top of the saddle should be adjusted to the height of the hip bone
  •  Rest with your armpit over the saddle, extend the arm down so that the point of the index finger is resting on the centre of the bottom bracket.
  •   When seated, check that knee makes a 25 to 30 degrees angle at the bottom of each pedal stroke

è A very low saddle can cause excessive flexion in the hip, knee and ankle which leads to injury.

è A very high saddle can cause the pelvis to rock, which leads to lower back pain.


  •  With the cranks in the 3 and 9 o’clock position, the front knee should be directly over the pedal pin.
  •  Arms should remain slightly bent and the lower back should not be rounding, i.e. rather move the saddle forward and have a flatter back than move it back and have a rounded back.


  •  Primarily based on comfort and safety.
  •  Usually in line or above the saddle

4)      PEDALS

  •   The ball of the foot should be directly over the pedal axel.
  •   Make sure toe straps are nice and tight.


  •   Strong core is important
  •     Flat back with the natural curves of the spine maintained at all times
  •    Flat toes and ankles relaxed
  •    Knees slightly bent (never lock knees) and keep the knee on the same plane as the hip not point inward or outward
  •     Buttocks firmly in contact with saddle: no bouncing
  •      Relaxed shoulders
  •     Elbows should be slightly bent downward and not outwards and relaxed
  •    Writs in neutral position and hands relaxed and light


Q: How does the pilot metre work?

A:   Press start button twice to measure your cadence, time and kilometres.

  •  Cadence is measured at the top left (measures in RPM-revolutions per minute).
  •  The RPM measurement will tell you how fast you are going.
  •  The Pilot meter also times how long you have been exercising and how many kilometres you cover in one session.


Q: What are the different types of classes offered?

A:SPEED – Emphasises cadence and leg speed, pedal stroke and rhythm. Little resistance is used.

STRENGTH – Emphasises heavy resistance and hill climbs. Builds muscular strength and endurance.

ENDURANCE – Low intensity, long duration. Builds base fitness, cardio-respiratory endurance and muscular endurance.

POWER – Uses strength and speed combined. Incorporates interval training and explosive power.

COMBO CYCLE and INTERVAL TRAINING – Combination of speed and strength in one session. Classes will take you through flat roads, speed intervals to catch a break away and have strength intervals to race to the top of the “hill.”


Q: How fit do you need to be to attend a class?

A: We have a range of classes; beginner, medium intensity and high intensity. Fitter members will most often attend the medium to high intensity classes. However, this is not to say that as a beginner or unfit person you can’t attend these classes. Remember, you are in control of the resistance of your bike, therefore if you feel that the class is too difficult for you or if you just needing a break to catch your breath, you are welcome to turn down your resistance at any point and go at your own pace.  

Q: How often should I spin?

A: As much as you wish, however you do not want to overdo it and burn out or injure yourself. Try not do more than one class a day.

Q: Do I need to have any knowledge of indoor cycling to spin?

A: No! It is just as easy as riding a bike, and it stands still so it is even easier. Also, our Section Assistants will assist with bike setup and be there to answer any questions or guide you through the classes.  

Q: What if I have a knee injury? Can I still come to Indoor Cycling?

A: Yes of course! However when an instructor does ‘freezes’ or standing breakaways, rather pedal these out, in the seated or standing position, as they can cause added stress on your knees.