Grounds and Gardens manages waste and Recycling at Rhodes University.
RU is trying to improve its waste management practices, with the long-term goal of achieving zero waste. This requires a conscious effort on the part of staff and students to reduce their use of resources, for example, avoid unnecessary glass breakage, and re-use glass bottles instead of throwing away.
Grounds and Gardens manages waste and Recycling at Rhodes University.
Zero Waste - the best option in the 'waste hierarchy'.
Reduce unnecessary printing, packaging and waste generation.
Re-use paper/card waste creatively.
Recycle - the last option in the 'waste hierarchy', delaying the entry of paper/card waste into the system.
If other options for preventing waste are exhausted, it is possible to recycle most types of paper and card.
What's in? Most mixed paper is acceptable. Flatten cardboard boxes to take up less space.
What's out?
A recycling collection service was established in February 2011, in which an additional Recycling Collection Service is provided on Wednesdays. As their truck may reach your area very early, PLEASE ensure all bags are on the pavement BEFORE 9 am:
Use the Makana Municipality 2-bag system (initiated 2 March 2009): place ALL recyclable materials (paper/card, glass bottles, tin/cans, all plastics /polystyrene) into an orange/clear bag for the usual garbage collection day. Non-recyclable (disposable) waste should be put out in a black bag. A 2-bag system: why?
You can also take glass and bottles to the contact below, or arrange for collection of large amounts. Payment is given for non-deposit bearing bottles & screw-top bottles for recycling (at Consol) & deposit-bearing alcohol bottles. Unemployed people welcomed to take bottle tops, rings, etc, for recycling or handcrafts.
Metal Master: 2 Cloncore St (near Metro Cash & Carry), Grahamstown. Open 07h30 – 18h00. More info: Butch Richardson / Len Bodill, 082 932 6844 / 046 622 3249 / butch(at) or wanstonfield(at)
Makana Glass & Bottle Recyclers has closed.
What's in? Most kinds of glass are accepted. Learn more about glass recycling from the Glass Recycling Company.
What's out? Smashed windscreens and plate glass. It is also good to consider the people who sort through our waste: remove wet food or items that would decompose or attract insects and rats!
Go to the Rhodes University ENVIRONMENT front page. Suggestions/Questions? Contact environment(at)
Last Modified: Mon, 17 Sep 2018 13:07:18 SAST