Biodiversity Explorer: the web of life in southern Africa.
Biodiversity Subject Guide: a Rhodes University Library guide to help you find and use Biodiversity resources available in or via the Rhodes Library.
Encyclopaedia of Earth: a free electronic reference about the earth, natural environments and their interaction with society. Articles are user-friendly and written in non-technical language by scholars, professionals, educators and experts who collaborate and review each other's work. The aim is to provide a comprehensive and reliable information resource. It will be useful to students, educators, scholars, professionals and the general public.
Environmental Science: a Rhodes University Library guide to help you find and use Environmental Science resources available in or via the Rhodes Library [see also info on Global Warming & Climate Change].
Enviropaedia: The Environmental Encyclopaedia is an A to Z of green topics.
New Scientist environmental pages: Read about the Earth's life support systems and other articles.
Principles of Ecology: a series of easy to follow lesson plans.
Science in Africa: Africa’s first online science magazine communicating with the general public in an understandable and informative way.
State of the World publications - published by Worldwatch Institute.
WWF Living Planet Report: the world's leading, science-based analysis of the health of our planet and the impact of human activity.
Last Modified: Wed, 08 Jan 2020 13:30:45 SAST