

Prof James Gambiza

BSc Hons, MSc, PGDHE, MEd, PhD

Contact Details:

Phone: +27-046-603-7010
Fax: +27-046-

  • Biography

    James’ research interests include fire ecology, systems ecology, rangeland ecology, natural resource management, plant-animal interactions, ecological modelling and land degradation. James trained as a plant ecologist. He has vast experience on grazing management systems, land degradation, agroforestry, community-based natural resource management, livestock production and ecological modelling. James has worked extensively in rural areas in both Zimbabwe and South Africa.

    James teaches land degradation, ecological systems and environmental management at undergraduate level. He also teaches ecological modelling and community-based natural resource management at postgraduate level. James received the VC’s Senior Distinguished teaching award in 2010. He has supervised 20 MSc students. He is currently supervising 4 MSc and 5 PhD students. He has authored or co-authored 71 papers, conference proceedings, book chapters and research reports.

    Recent Publications


    Sibiya, S., Clifford-Holmes, J. & Gambiza, J. 2023. Drivers of degradation of croplands and abandoned lands: A case study of Macubeni communal land in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Land, 12(3): 1-11.

    Falayi, M., Gambiza, J. & Schoon M. 2021. A scoping review of environmental governance challenges in southern Africa from 2010 to 2020. Environmental Conservation, doi: 10.1017/S0376892921000333 

    Angwenyi, D., Potgieter, M. & Gambiza, J. 2021. Community perceptions towards nature conservation in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Nature Conservation, 43: 41-53.               

    Von Maltitz, G.P., Gambiza, J., Kellner, K., Rambau, T., Lindeque, L. & Kgope, B. 2019. Experiences from the South Africa land degradation neutrality target setting process. Environmental Science and Policy. 101: 54-62.

    Didarali, Z. & Gambiza, J. 2019. Permaculture: Challenges and benefits in improving rural livelihoods in South Africa and Zimbabwe. Sustainability, 11. DOI: 10.3390/su11082219

    Amoako, E. & Gambiza, J. 2019. Effects of anthropogenic fires on soil properties and the implications of fire frequency for the Guinea savanna ecological zone. Ghana Scientific African, 6, eoo201.

    Gosling, A., Shackleton, C.M. & Gambiza, J. 2017. Community-based natural resource use and management of Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary, Uganda, for livelihood benefits. Wetlands Ecol. Manage., 25: 717-730

    Mutekwa, V.T. & Gambiza, J. 2017. Forest protected areas governance in Zimbabwe: Shift needed away from a long history of local community exclusion. Journal of Environmental Management, 198: 330-339.

Last Modified: Tue, 28 Nov 2023 15:53:05 SAST