

New RUESSPA bursary student

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The Department launched the RUESSPA bursary in 2012 in the name of staff and previous postgraduates. It is the first department at Rhodes to do so, which fits alongside many of the other firsts this department has achieved in its eleven years, reflecting the quality and vision of its staff and postgraduates. The funding is sought from three sources (i) pledges from previous postgraduates (including those who may have moved on to a new degree) who are now enjoying the benefits of the quality education they received at Rhodes, (ii) pledges from previous and current staff and research associates, and (iii) a small percentage of the profits earned from the public short courses offered by the department (we now offer five different short courses annually; see the website for details). The bursary is owned and run by staff and postgraduate alumni, it is our effort and our recognition of what a Rhodes education opened up for us and what we can therefore open up for others.