Margot Beard

Margot Beard 2024


Margot Beard

Retired Senior Lecturer

M.A. (Rhodes), Ph.D. (Natal) H.Dip.Lib.



Teaching and Research Interests:

Late eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century prose and poetry (especially women writers of this period); the Gothic novel.
Dr Beard has published papers on the eighteenth century, Wordsworth, and Mary Wollstonecraft.


List of publications:

Academic Articles:

2007: “Lessons from the Dead Masters: Wordsworth and Byron in J.M. Coetzee’s Disgrace”, English in Africa 34 (2007): 59-77.

2007: “‘She travels alone and unattended’: The Visit to the Eastern Cape of the botanical artist Marianne North”, de Arte 76 (2007): 33-48.

2004: "Whither am I wandering?" A Journey into the Self - Mary Wollstonecraft's travels in Scandinavia, 1795", Literator 25 (1) April 2004: 73-89.

2001: "From Baudelaire to Beardsley: some thoughts on Poe's beast as an indicator of the tastes and fears of nineteenth-century Europe", de Arte 64 (2001): 35-42

1999: "Parallel Visions: Byron, Géricault and the Wreck of the Medusa." de Arte 59(April 1999): 34-41.

1998: "'Visions of Romance - Anxieties of Common Life' - Jane Austen's Gothic Novel: A Reading of Northanger Abbey." The English Academy Review 15 (Dec 1998): 130-138.

1993: "Some Figurations of the Labouring Poor in the Visual Arts of the Eighteenth Century." Proceedings of the Second Biennial Conference of The Southern African Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. 1993.

1992: "Pain's Wild Rebellious Burst' - Some Thoughts on Thomas Paine and William Wordsworth." Eighteenth-Century Studies The Rights of Man. Leighton, M. (ed.) HSRC. 1992.

1988: "The Inter-relationship between Literature and Politics: Towards a Study of Wordsworth's Poetry of the 1790s." English Studies in Africa 31 (1988): 91-106.

1984: "Pastoralism as a Statement of Value: The Faerie Queene Book Vl." English Studies in Africa 27 (1984): 77-92.


Last Modified: Sat, 20 Jan 2024 14:22:10 SAST