

Section CA



Project 1: Develop a High Level Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for SETAs

What capacity is needed?This project developed a high level M&E framework for all SETAs and support all other components of the Chair. The high level framework was to be used by DHET, SETAs themselves and parties appointed, to continuously monitor and regularly evaluate the functioning of SETAs and their impact on social development and economic participation. The framework enables SETAs to be accountable to their stakeholders and in equal measure, to learn from M&E findings in order to increase their positive impact within their sphere of influence.

Project 1 Final report


Project 2: Tools for evaluating skills for enterprise development in a township economy

This project developed a M&E framework related to enterprise development in a township economy. A field-based evaluation mapped the stakeholders and the activity system and investigated the efficacy of enterprise related training. It piloted methods for system-wide evaluation of transitioning learners and training systems in a regional context, to better understand obstacles, SETA impact, contribution and funding flows within TVET skills and on a macro, meso, and micro-level. 


Project 3:  Development of Performance Standards for SETAs

This project developed Performance Standards to be used in the assessment of SETA Performance.  It was guided by the M&E Framework (Project 1), and by an evaluation of the existing performance assessment framework(s) in place, in particular the Management Performance Assessment Tool. These assessments enable SETAs and other roleplayers in the system to be accountable to stakeholders and in equal measure, to learn from the findings in order to increase their positive impact within their sphere of influence. 

Project 3 Final report


Project 4:  Cost-benefit analysis tool for evaluating work-based learning

This project developed a cost benefit analysis tool to support SETAs in the evaluation of skills planning activities.  It took a systems approach to considering costs and benefits to include also indirect and non-financial costs and benefits in addition to direct and financial costs and benefits which are often easier to identify and quantify.  The project was a collaboration with SETAS, drawing on current practices to explore direct, indirect, financial and non-financial costs and benefits for the individual, for the economy through specific economic sectors and for society as a whole.  

This was a collaborative development between SETA, Rhodes University and WWF South Africa 
Project 4 Deliverables
Draft Cost Benefit Evaluation Tool


Project 5:  Tracer study guidelines for work-based learning

This sub-project investigated the destinations of learners who had completed workplace based learning (WBL) programmes funded by SETAs. An additional objective was to develop a standardised research methodology which can be used to track the completers of WBL programmes on a regular basis, across all 21 SETAs.

Project 5 Close Out report


Project 6:  Develop a Framework for Monitoring and Evaluating the Implementation of the Discretionary Grant 

This project developed a specific framework for the M&E of the implementation of the Discretionary Grant, for all SETAs.  It aims were to support the goals of the Post-School Education & Training (PSET) system, i.e. to contribute to social development and economic participation. The purpose was to develop more effective and innovative methodological approaches for evaluating DG implementation. This allows SETAs to collectively (systemically and systematically) build up a comprehensive understanding of what works, in what context and why; as well as what has not worked, and why? (the focus of realist evaluation approaches) to inform future improvements in the system. The expansive learning – activity system approach is a form of participatory evaluation/evaluative stakeholder engagement that allows for immediate learning and improvements in particular contexts.


Project 7:  Framework for Monitoring and Evaluating in relation to the Mandatory Grant

This project developed a specific framework for the monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the Mandatory Grant, for all SETAs. It aim was to support the goals of the Post-School Education & Training (PSET) system.  While the high level M&E framework (Project 1) and the Performance Re-thinking Evaluations of Skills Programmes Standards (Project 3) address more general evaluation foci, this specific framework for the Mandatory Grant assists SETAs and their stakeholders to (1) gain deeper understanding specifically into these challenges and (2) how they can be addressed, and (3) assess the success of measures to address them. The results should (4) inform the annual reviews of Policy, Strategic Plans, Sector Skills Plans and Annual Performance Plans. This introduced into these reviews a strong learning focus and a more transformative strategic focus, beyond numerical targets. It would also (5) ensure that M&E findings are actually used for improvements in the system.

Project 7 Final report


Project 8: Evaluating SETA Governance

This project underook an evaluation of SETA governance. It followed up on previous evaluations of SETA governance and filled knowledge gaps in the governance. It tested a methodology for evaluating governance which now contributes to the high level M&E framework (Project 1) and Capacity Development Programme (Project 6). By focussing on governance, this evaluation considered the functioning, effectiveness and impact of SETAs, and their sustainability. Recommendations arising from the evaluation were able to inform a future PSET landscape.


Project 9:  Developing a Capacity Building System

This project developed and implemented a capacity development programme for SETA representatives (research and M&E staff). The capacity building programme, in the form of an accredited ‘long short course’, complemented and finished off the M&E tools and frameworks developed.


The purpose is to:

  • Involve SETA representatives in the ongoing development of M&E resources in a way that builds the participating individuals’ and the SETA’s capacity (praxis)

  • Familiarise SETA representatives with the M&E frameworks developed in the SETA M&E Chair Research Programme so that they are confident to implement them and guide others in their implementation (e.g. write terms of reference for service providers) and if possible, make adjustments to proposed frameworks in their own contexts

  • Serve as a form of ‘change management’ to allow SETA representatives and the SETAs themselves to work through the challenges of taking on board new frameworks and processes (this may mean, from time to time, broader participation in the programme)

  • Share the training material content and implementation lessons learnt with wider audiences

  • Promote SETAs as learning organisations in the national PSET and international contexts.

Project 9 Deliverables
Project 9 Close Out report



Last Modified: Tue, 30 Apr 2024 11:27:01 SAST