

Seeing Red - Students National Art Festival Production


Seeing Red
Seeing Red

In the fictional village of Boswa, Kgosigadi, a strong woman with a great sense of responsibility, takes it upon herself to protest against a law that outcasts women during their periods. She is met with great anger and violence and is brutally stoned to death for her act of protest. Her daughter, Matla, embarks on a journey to seek justice for her mother’s brutal murder. Her journey is a spiritual one that causes her to realise that there is power in the blood that a woman sheds every month, not shame.

In a world were menstruation taboo is common place. Seeing Red is a celebration of the strength of women.  Every time we feel the aches and pains does it not force us to slow down and become gentle with ourselves? Every time we feel a surge of emotion just before a period does it not remind us of how beautifully vulnerable we can be? Every time we stain our skirt during a period does it not naturally make us sensitive towards others feelings? Every time we bleed aren't we reminded of our ability to create life? Menstruation is not a process to be tolerated but a gift to be grateful for. Silencing the beauty of menstruation is silencing everything on earth that is feminine.