Rhodes>CSD>Resources>Children's Books>Wordless Story Books

National Book Week 2020

In celebrating national book week (7 to 11 September) and International Literacy Day 8 September 2020, the CSD is delighted to launch it’s ECD book publication project with two story books and two wordless tiny books.

The tiny books can be printed directly from the site and then folded into a tiny book from an A4 page.

We encourage care-givers, parents and older siblings not only to download print and use our books but also to make tiny books of their own to share with siblings and neighbours so that every child can experience the joy of reading and storytelling this week and always.

Worldess story books and a fantastic way to nurture pre-literacy skills.  Children from between the ages of 1 and 4 will benefit from “reading” these books with care-givers.  Research has shown that the interaction between “reader” and “listener” (asking questions like What do you think if happening here?  Oh look the elephant is drowning!  How do you think he feels?) accelerate language acquisition skills significantly.  For more information on the benefits of wordless books please visit the Mikhulu Trust website.

For more free wordless books and books for young children in multiple languages, visit BookDash.  Further free reading resources in multiple languages are available through Nalibali.

Wishing you a book-filled, story-filled, week and year!

Wordless Story

Wordless Story

Below is a link to a YouTube video on how to make an 8 page tiny book, with one sheet of paper! 



Last Modified: Fri, 04 Sep 2020 17:05:40 SAST