
Rhodes>Critical Studies>People>Staff>Nicola Jeary-Graham

Dr Nicola Jearey-Graham


Nicola is a part time senior researcher with the CSSR, as well as a practising counselling psychologist. Her PhD, supervised by Prof. Catriona Macleod, was a critical and formative evaluation of a pregnancy and alcohol intervention in two areas of the Eastern Cape. Her methodological orientation is critical and discursive, with a commitment towards actionable recommendations.

Research interests

Nicola’s current research interests include sexuality education in schools and alcohol use during pregnancy. She is the lead investigator of a participatory action research project aimed at supporting Life Orientation teachers in their multiple roles in schools.


  1. Davids, E. L., Adams Tucker, L., Wambua, G. N., Fewster, D. L., Schlebusch, L., Karrim, S. B., ... Jearey-Graham, N., Gobie, H.B., & Nalugya, J. S. (2019). Child and adolescent mental health in Africa: a qualitative analysis of the perspectives of emerging mental health clinicians and researchers using an online platform. Journal of Child & Adolescent Mental Health31(2), 93-107.
  2. Jearey-Graham, N. & Macleod, C. (2018). Sexuality Education. In I. Eloff & E. Swart (Eds.) Understanding educational psychology (pp. 316-322). Cape Town: Juta.
  3. Jearey-Graham, N. & Macleod, C. (2017). Gender, dialogue and discursive psychology: A pilot sexuality intervention with South African High-School learners. Sex Education: Sexuality, Culture & Learning. org/10.1080/14681811.2017.1320983
  4. Macleod, C. & Jearey-Graham, N. (2016). ‘Peer pressure’ and ‘peer normalization’: Discursive resources that justify gendered youth sexualities. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 13, 230-240.
  5. Jearey-Graham, N. & Macleod, C. (2015). A discourse of disconnect: Young people from the Eastern Cape talk about the failure of adult communications to provide habitable sexual subject positions. Perspectives in Education, 33(2), 1-19.
  6. Saville Young, L. & Jearey-Graham, N. (2015). “They gonna come and corrupt our children”: a psychosocial analysis of two South Africans' xenophobic talk. Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society, 20, 395–413. doi:10.1057/pcs.2015.47
  7. Jearey-Graham, N. & Bohmke, W. (2013). “A lot of them are good buggers”: The African 'foreigner' as South Africa's discursive Other. Psychology in Society, 44, 21-41.

Conference presentations

  1. Where is the care and justice? A critical analysis of a FASD reduction programme, and recommendations for interventions. Poster presented at the Global Alcohol Policy Conference, Cape Town, October 2023.
  2. Clashing orientations: Reflections on disparate goals in a research-NGO partnership aimed at reducing FASD in a region of South Africa. Paper presented at the 12th Biennial Conference of the International Society of Critical Health Psychology, Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand (virtual London hub), August 2021.
  3. Gender, recognition and desire: A pilot sexuality intervention with High School learners. Poster presented at the congress of the South African Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists and Allied Professionals, Stellenbosch, September 2017
  4. Gendered boundaries, recognition and desire: A pilot sexuality intervention with South African High School learners. Paper presented at the 20th Conference of the International Association for Studies in Sexuality, Culture and Society, Bangkok, Thailand, July 2017
  5. Dialogues of sexualities: An action research project. Paper presented at the first International Conference of Community Psychology, Durban, May 2016
  6. Young people’s use of ‘Peer Pressure/Peer Normalisation’ as discursive resources to justify gendered youth sexualities: Implications for interventions. Paper presented at the 9th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Critical Health Psychology, Grahamstown, July 2015.
  7. A discourse of disconnect: The failure of adult communications to provide habitable sexual subject positions for young people. Paper presented at the annual congress of the Psychological Association of South Africa, Durban, September 2014.
  8. Discourses of xenophobia: South Africans’ discursive constructions of African foreigners, national identity, and self. Paper presented at the29th International Congress of Psychology, Cape Town, July 2012.

Last Modified: Mon, 03 Feb 2025 08:57:10 SAST