

Megan Reuvers

Megan Reuvers

 Megan Reuvers

Megan is a PhD candidate at the Critical Studies in Sexualities and Reproduction Research Programme. Using intersectionality as her theoretical lens, her thesis utilizes the pregnancy supportability framework, developed by Catriona Ida Macleod, to examine support (in)equities and reproductive (in)justices that may occur during pregnancy. Her study aims to operationalize the supportability framework qualitatively by analysing research participants’ narratives of pregnancy support. Photo Elicitation was used to induce the narratives and the photos were participant generated.

Before her academic career, she worked in the education NGO sector as a production manager overseeing the development of a range of education material resources which included those of: adolescent sexual and reproductive health and wellbeing; inclusive education; parenting programmes; and, the Care and Support for Teaching and Learning (CSTL) Programme, which is a SADC Ministries of Education initiative, aimed at addressing health and poverty-related barriers to teaching and learning.


Macleod, C. I., Reuvers, M., Reynolds, J. H., Lavelanet, A., & Delate, R. (2023). Comparative situational analysis of comprehensive abortion care in four Southern African countries. Global Public Health, 18(1).


Macleod, C.I., Reuvers, M. (2021). Strategic assessment of policies, programmes and research on unintended pregnancies, contraception, unsafe abortion, and abortion services in Namibia [report compiled for United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)].


Reuvers, M.J., & Macleod C.I. (2023) Operationalising the Pregnancy Supportability Framework qualitatively: The use of photo-elicitation to induce narratives. Paper presented at the Psychology of Women and Equalities Section (POWES) Annual Conference 2023, Windsor, Great Britian, 05-07 July 2023.

Reuvers, M.J., & Macleod C.I. (2023) “We all get pregnant under different circumstances”: Using a supportability framework for understanding support (in)equities during pregnancy. Paper presented at the Department of Social Development National Sexual and Reproductive Justice Conference, Pretoria, South Africa, 22-24 March 2023.

Reuvers, M.J., & Macleod C.I. (2017) Women’s experiences of pregnancy support – an intersectional approach Paper presented at the first Pan-African Psychology Congress, Durban, South Africa, 18-21 September 2017.

Last Modified: Wed, 23 Aug 2023 09:56:36 SAST