

Julia Braatvedt

Julia Braatvedt

Julia Braatvedt began her studies at the University of Pretoria, from which she holds a BEd in Human Movement and Sports Management. In 2014 she started teaching in Johannesburg and completed her BEd Honours in Inclusive Education through correspondence at the University of South Africa.

In 2018 she moved to Makhanda for a teaching opportunity whilst pursuing her love of psychology part-time through Rhodes University. In 2022 she went on to complete her BA Honours in Psychology at Rhodes University.

She joined the CSSR as a Parttime MA student in 2023 where she intends to complete her thesis entitled: Understanding girls’ experiences of disparaging humour at high school and how it contributes to the construction of their sexual agency.

Julia’s passion lies in psychology and teaching Life Orientation. She hopes that by continuing her research she will be able to incorporate her learnings into her teaching thus making Life Orientation a more valued subject.

Last Modified: Thu, 13 Apr 2023 10:51:14 SAST