



Macleod, C.I., Speciale, A., & Delate, R. (2021). Broadening the grounds on which abortion is legal: effects on sexual and reproductive health indicators. Makhanda and Johannesburg: Rhodes and UNFPA

Du Plessis, U., Macleod, C. I., Mavuso, J., Grapsa, E., & Sanyangore, A. (2020). An assessment of abortion seeking behaviours and preferences in rural communities of the Eastern Cape , South Africa?: Research Report (Download CSSR-MSSA Research Report 2020)

Du Plessis, U., Macleod, C. I., Mavuso, J., Grapsa, E., & Sanyangore. (2020). An assessment of abortion seeking behaviours and preferences in rural communities of the Eastern Cape, South Africa: Short report. (Download CSSR-MSSA Short Report)

Du Plessis, U., & Macleod, C. I. (2020). The CSSR/MSSA Mixed Methods Research Toolkit: Abortion-Seeking Behaviours and Preferences. (Download CSSR/MSSA research toolkit)

Moreka, D., Akinyi of TICAH, M., Puri, M., Wagle, K., Dhungel of CREHPA, Y., Williams, O., … Gaspard, N. (2019). Crisis in Care - Two Year Impact of Trump’s Global Gag Rule. New York. (Download Crisis in Care: Year Two Impact of Trump's Global Gag Rule)

Du Plessis, U., Sofika, D., Macleod, C., & Mthethwa, T. (2019). Assessing the Impact of the Expanded Global Gag Rule in South Africa. (Download Assessing the Impact of the Expanded Global Gag Rule in South Africa)

Alcohol use

Macleod, C. I., Jeary-Graham, N., Bredenkamp, P., Matebese, S., Tsetse, N., Msomi, N., … Molokoe, K. (2020). Alcohol use during pregnancy in the Eastern Cape: Research in support of FASfacts intervention: Research Report. (FASfacts Report)

Du Plessis, U., Young, C., & Macleod, C. (2017). Harm Reduction Strategies in Alcohol Use and Abuse: A Critical Review of Interventions. (Download Alcohol report)

Sexual Violence

Morison, T., Lynch, I., Essop, R., & Tolla, T. (2017). ‘Dating rules’ and intimate partner violence in township schools: Findings from the SeViSSA Baseline Study.

Sexual Violence Task Team (2016). Sexual Violence Task Team Report: “We will not be silenced”: A three–pronged justice approach to sexual offences and rape culture at Rhodes University/UCKAR. Grahamstown, South Africa: Critical Studies in Sexualities and Reproduction. (Download Sexual Violence Task Team Report)

Sexual Violence Task Team (2016). Sexual Violence Task Team Executive Summary: “We will not be silenced”: A three–pronged justice approach to sexual offences and rape culture at Rhodes University/UCKAR. Grahamstown, South Africa: Critical Studies in Sexualities and Reproduction. (Download Sexual Violence Task Team Executive Summary)


Last Modified: Wed, 23 Aug 2023 10:52:45 SAST