Online Journals
African Journals Online
There are a number of open access websites for African Journals, some of which offer full text access:
Bibliographic databases covering African periodical literature and African women's literature. 25 years of Africana research.
French and English e-journals focusing on African social, political and cultural affairs.
African Journals Online (AJOL)
AJOL enhances access to the research output of Africa providing a collection of academic journals and journal articles published in Africa. AJOL hosts over 240 journals from 21 countries and there are currently more than 22 500 article abstracts available on the website.
Directory of Open Access Journals
Not exclusively on Africa. Currently there are 4220 journals in the directory. 1549 journals are searchable at article level.
DISA (Digital Innovation South Africa)
Forty periodical titles have been selected from a very comprehensive list, with a view to presenting not only a wide spectrum of political views published during these years, but also a diversity of subjects such as trade unions, religion, health, culture, and gender. The Cory Library is a partner of this initiative.
H-Africa Interdisciplinary discussion lists
Also lists tables of contents of African studies journals
Library of Congress, Nairobi Office
Quarterly index to periodical literature. An index of over 300 selected periodicals (mostly scholarly) which are acquired regularly over 30 African countries.
List of Free Online Journals
Maintained by the Library, Documentation and Information Department, Africa Studie Centrum, University of Leiden
SA ePublications
The most comprehensive, searchable collection of full-text electronic South African journals available. Rhodes staff and students can link from the RU Library Databases webpages.
More open access journals listed at RU Library.
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Last Modified: Thu, 22 Jun 2017 16:08:46 SAST