

Archives Yearbook for South African History

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The Archives Yearbook for South African History was published from 1938-1997, with contributions being accepted in Afrikaans, English, and in the early years, High Dutch. Many emerging South African historians had their theses published in this series.

C. Graham Botha, Chief Archivist for the Union [of South Africa] wrote in the preface to Volume 1:

"For some years now past a want has been felt to have a publication dealing with various aspects of work in the Archives of South Africa. Archival problems arise from time to time, additional material is deposited in the various depots, and work of a high standard has been and is being done by researchers. No publication exists in which these matters can be recored for the benefit of the Archivist as well as the Scholar.

In South Africa where the four Archives centers are situated at great distances from each other such a publication would serve as a tie between them and afford the opportunity of drawing attendtion to the more important documents ...

Researchers doing thorough scientific work in the Archives should thus find a means of publishing the results of their investigations and thus make them available for others..."

List of authors and titles from the last issue published

[Pic:? Resolutions taken at the first meeting of the Council of Policy of the Dutch East India Company held on board the ship Dromedaris, 30 December 1651. Archives of the Council of Policy, Cape Town Archives Repository, C1.]