
Rhodes>Community Engagement>COVID-19>Important Numbers & Websites

Important Numbers & Websites


South Africa COVID-19 24hour hotline - 0800 029 999

WhatsApp support line - 060 012 3456

South Africa Police Services - 10111

Gender-Based Violence Command Centre - 0800 428 428 or *120*7867# (free service)

Support to SMMEs in distress - 0860 663 7867

National Crisis Line - 0860 322 322

Reporting undue price increases - 0800 141 880

Department of Water Affairs - 0800 200 200 

Presidential Hotline - 17737

Department of Home Affairs - 0800 601 190



South African Department of Health COVID-19 information -

World Health Organisation COVID-19 information -

Worldometers COVID-19 numbers per country -


Last Modified: Wed, 08 Apr 2020 18:31:01 SAST