

Waainek Mass Rearing staff

Waainek Mass Rearing Facility Manager: 
Samella Ngxande-Koza                                                                       
Email:                                                                                                                                   Phone: +27 046 603 7176

Landile Booi
Landile has been working at the Waainek Mass Rearing Facility since 2014. His main duties include the weekly clearing of the CBC’s quarantine facility and culturing the submerged Brazilian waterweed (Egeria densa). He also helps with insect collections and collections of Barbados gooseberry (Pereskia aculeate) to maintain a culture of Pereskia stem-wilters (Catorhintha schaffneri) which have been released as a bioloigcal contorl agent.

Vuyani Ntyinkala (Majeke)
Vuyani (Majeke) has a number of duties including assisting with the mass rearing of the Pereskia stem-wilter, (Catorhintha schaffneri) which has been released on the invasive alien, Perskia (Pereskia aculeate). He has been part of the team since 2014. He also takes care of the African tulip tree (Spathodea campanulata) culture which is grown to undertaken host specificity testing in quarantine for potential biological control gents. Majeke also helps with the collection of insects and the general cleaning of equipment and tunnels. 

Lyle Titus
Lyle is the newest member to the team but has slotted in perfectly assisting all the projects at the Waainek Facility. 

Last Modified: Thu, 03 Mar 2022 11:46:16 SAST