

The CBC representing at ISBCW

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The CBC team at ISBCW
The CBC team at ISBCW

The 16th International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds took place in Northern Argentina from the 7th-12th of May 2023. Nineteen of the CBC’s core team embarked on the long way around to Argentina for the meeting where 4 more CBC members joined (from other institutions). The CBC team presented 38 Papers, including a Keynote address, and participated in two workshops at the symposium. The research presented was well received and new collaborations were formed with researchers from all over the world. The CBC had the opportunity to meet face to face with many of their older collaborators too. Megan Reid, a recent PhD graduate of the CBC, was awarded best student presentation at the symposium. Her work looked at the association between a native waterlily weevil and the invasive Mexian waterlily, Nymphaea mexicana. Megan also has a recent publication:

The CBC would like to thank Rhodes University’s Research Office for the generous funding to assist in getting the CBC to the meeting. Alternate funding was received from IOBC Global, NRF SARCHI and DFFE .