
Rhodes>Biotech>People>staff>Dr Ronen Fogel

Dr Ronen Fogel

Postdoctoral Fellow BioSENS Research Group


Biotechnology Innovation Centre, Rhodes University, P O Box 94, Grahamstown 6140, South Africa



PhD 2010 – Rhodes University

BSc (Hons) 2004 – Rhodes University

BSc 2003 – Rhodes University


  1. Postdoctoral Fellow: 2011-present

(i)                  RESEARCH IN PROGRESS

Aptamer and aptamer-nanoparticle composites for biochemical and microbiological biosensor applications.


  1. Application of carbon black and iron phthalocyanine composites in bioelectricity production at a brewery wastewater fed microbial fuel cell.
    Mshoperi, E., Fogel, R., Limson, J. (2013) Electrochimica Acta . Article in Press.
  1. Voltammetric investigation of complex growth media at a bare glassy carbon electrode: A case study of oxytetracycline.
    Kruid, J., Fogel, R., Limson, J. (2013)   Electrochimica Acta. Article in Press.
  1. Electrochemically Predicting Phenolic Substrates' Suitability for Detection by Amperometric Laccase Biosensors.
    Fogel, R., Limson, J.L. (2013) Electroanalysis, 25 (5), pp. 1237-1246.
  1. Metallophthalocyanine/carbon nanotube hybrids: Extending applications to microbial fuel cells.
    Edwards, S.L., Fogel, R., Mtambanengwe, K., Togo, C., Laubscher, R., Limson, J.L. (2012) Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines, 16 (7-8), pp. 917-926.
  1. Towards Normalising Variability in Current Responses at Glassy Carbon Electrodes Using Double Layer Capacitance: A Case Study of Citrinin.
    Niland, M.J., Fogel, R., Flanagan, S.P., Limson, J.L. (2012) Electroanalysis, 24 (4), pp. 945-954.
  1. Probing fundamental film parameters of immobilized enzymes-Towards enhanced biosensor performance. Part I-QCM-D mass and rheological measurements.
    Fogel, R., Limson, J.L. (2011) Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 49 (2), pp. 146-152.
  1. Probing fundamental film parameters of immobilized enzymes-Towards enhanced biosensor performance. Part II-Electroanalytical estimation of immobilized enzyme performance.
    Fogel, R., Limson, J.L. (2011) Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 49 (2), pp. 153-159.
  1. Antioxidant and iron-binding properties of curcumin, capsaicin, and S-allylcysteine reduce oxidative stress in rat brain homogenate.
    Dairam, A., Fogel, R., Daya, S., Limson, J.L. (2008) Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 56 (9), pp. 3350-3356.
  1. Critical assessment of the Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation as an analytical tool for biosensor development and fundamental studies: Metallophthalocyanine-glucose oxidase biocomposite sensors.
    Fogel, R., Mashazi, P., Nyokong, T., Limson, J. (2007) Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 23 (1), pp. 95-101.
  1. Electrochemical monitoring of the biodegradation of 2,4-dimethylaniline.
    Brimecombe, R.D., Fogel, R., Limson, J.L. (2006) Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 54 (23), pp. 8799-8803.

Last Modified: Thu, 20 Feb 2014 11:23:40 SAST