
Rhodes>Art POWA>Resources>Opportunities


Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Curated by the Chinese in Africa/Africans in China (CA/AC) Research Network; Guangdong Times Museum in China; and the Arts of Africa & Global Souths Research Programme at Rhodes University in South Africa.
The Chinese in Africa/Africans in China (CA/AC) Research Network, Guangdong Times Museum, and Arts of Africa & Global Souths Research Program at Rhodes University, South Africa invite African and Chinese artists to participate in a workshop for Global Souths artists at the 6th Conference of the CA/AC that will be held at Lingnan University, Hong Kong from 9 to 11 July 2020. The workshop aims to build a community of critical Global Souths artists whose works specifically address Africa-China engagement by bridging gaps between artistic, journalistic, and scholarly practices/creations in order to complicate and diversify existing narratives and images. It is an initiative for sustained ground-up cultural exchange. 

Postdoctoral Fellowship Available for 2020


Fine Art Department, Rhodes University, South Africa

Suitable candidates are invited to apply for a Postdoctoral Fellowship hosted by the National Research Foundation SARChI Chair in Geopolitics and the Arts of Africa at Rhodes University, South Africa. The successful Postdoctoral Fellow will be an active participant in the Arts of Africa and Global Souths research programme, which comprises Geopolitics and the Arts of Africa (NRF/DST) and Publishing and Research of the South: Positioning Africa (Mellon). The programme is based in the Fine Art Department at Rhodes University.

 PROSPA Publishing Workshop in Lagos: Call for Participation 2019

The Department of Creative Arts at the University of Lagos, Nigeria and the Arts of Africa and the Global Souths research programme at Rhodes University, South Africa will host a eight day publishing workshop in Lagos, Nigeria from 1 - 8 November 2019.


The conference aims to address the status quo of the higher education community engagement and its performance monitoring and evaluation. There is a need for visionaries to prepare our country towards 2050 to become a respected partner both in the local and global knowledge domains.

The conference calls out to academics, experts, leaders, practitioners and students to boldly state the key issues that could make our universities and communities sustainable in a global environment. In addition, participants are required to create a vision that aids government, universities and communities to effectively achieve the National Development Plan and the Sustainable Development Goals outcomes. In this regards we should question if the current higher education, community engagement and governance ¡°models and practices¡± are relevant to meet both the short-and long-term requirements of a growing nation. We therefore need to highlight and deal with the challenges and claim a path for scholarly engagement and sustainable development.

Date of Conference: 29-30th August 2019; Venue: Durban (LOCATION TO BE ANNOUNCED) Time: 8.30 till 4.00pm; Deadline for abstract: 3 June 2019
(Absracts should be a maximum of 400 words) Contact persons: Mapula Baloyi ¨C 3013735397 Dr I G Govender ¨C ¨C 0313735694

Call for papers: ¡°Museum Conversations¡± conference in Namibia

University of Namibia and Goethe-Institut Namibia are jointly organising Museum Conversations 2019 and are calling for researchers, practitioners and artists to hand in papers and project suggestions. 

Museum Conversations were started in 2018 as a series of discussions about the post-colonial museum in Africa, raised conceptual questions about museum work in Africa and discussed future visions of museum work in Kigali, Windhoek, Kinshasa, Ouagadougo, Dar es Salaam, Lagos and Accra.

From September 18th to 20th 2019 these efforts will be continued in a regional meeting in Windhoek, Namibia. 

Please find more information in the attached document


BACKGROUND: Future Africa at the University of Pretoria has been established as a flagship institute, in a dedicated purpose-built campus, to promote transdisciplinary research excellence and capacity development, and to foster the development of research networks, partnerships and training at an advanced level, with the aim of addressing complex societal challenges, thereby contributing to the achievement of Africa¡¯s sustainable, inclusive and equitable development. Part of the training of researchers will include the ability to raise funding for collaborative research and to communicate research to multiple audiences to increase impact and influence policy making, as well as leadership in general. Future Africa will carry out its work by seeking to galvanise academia, government, business, donors and civil society across Africa and globally to work collaboratively.

The University now wishes to appoint a Director for Future Africa. See above attachment for more information.


Third Text Africa invites submissions on the theme ¡°Collectivities¡±, to be published in November 2019

We are specifically looking for: 

Case studies and comparative studies of artist¡¯s collectives, past and present; 

Case studies and comparative studies of multi-disciplinary artists collaborations; 

Sociologically oriented analyses of the ecology of the art world. This can take the form of theoretical mappings of the ¡®full¡¯ field, or comprise case studies and analyses that highlight the interdependence of various elements within art-world¡¯s eco-system, e.g. relations between artist/s and dealers, between art history and the art market, between activism and commodification, between research and publishing, between education and professionalism etc. 

Submissions can be in the form of essays, interviews, or reviews. Visual essays are also welcome. Third Text Africa accepts material in English, French and Portuguese. 

Deadline for submissions: 15 June 2019. 

Stylesheet: kindly contact us for our style sheet before submitting your text. For more information,

Call for Writers in Residence (2019), Hosted by Residencies for Artists and Writers (RAW), Arts of Africa and Global Souths research programme, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa

Call for Writers in Residence (2019)  Art POWA

The Arts of Africa and the Global Souths* research programme invites scholarly writers working in the visual arts to apply for a Writer¡¯s Residency hosted by Rhodes University in Makhanda, South Africa. Read more  

 Scholarships ¨C applicants based in Africa 

Deadline for applications: 1 April 2019.

The purpose of the programme: One of the Nordic Africa Institute¡¯s Strategic goals is to contribute to building capacity in the production of knowledge about Africa. The purpose of the African Guest Researchers¡¯ Scholarship Programme is to provide opportunities for Africa-based researchers with a PhD to work and develop their ongoing research at the Nordic Africa Institute. The scholarship offers access to the Institute's library and other resources that provide for a stimulating research environment.  Through the programme, the Nordic Africa Institute can promote and establish relations with and between African and Nordic research communities.   

Who can apply?: The scholarship programme is directed at postdoctoral researchers based in Africa and engaged in Africa-oriented research within the disciplines of Social Sciences and Humanities. The applicant should be affiliated to an African university/research center and have a proven track record of extensive research experience.  

Submission of applications: Applications including all supporting documents should be sent by e-mail to: Annika Franklin, Research Administrator, e-mail: annika.franklin@nai.uu.seApplication form

Further information: Annika Franklin,, phone +46 (0)18 471 52 45, website: 

Call For Proposals: Being, Belonging and Becoming in Africa

62nd Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association, November 21 ¨C 23, 2019, Boston Marriott Copley Place


The theme of the 2019 African Studies Association annual conference is ¡°Being, Belonging, and Becoming in Africa.¡± While Africa is not and never has been homogenous or unitary, the existence of the ASA is predicated on the idea that there are things that distinguish ¡°Africa¡± and ¡°Africans¡± from other peoples and places in the world, and that those distinctions are worth studying. In a world increasingly preoccupied with tensions over localism, nationalism, and globalism, in which so many forms of essentialism are under existential attack (and fighting back), we hope that this theme will spark scholarly reflection on what it has meant and currently means for people, places, resources, ideas, knowledge, among others to be considered distinctly ¡°African.¡± 

Website:; Submission guidelines:

2019 ASA CFP in French:; 2019 ASA CFP in Portuguese:

Call for Papers for 2019 International Conference, Africa and the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Defining a Role for Research Universities

The African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA), in partnership with University of Nairobi, will host an international conference and workshops on 18-20 November 2019 under the theme ¡°Africa and the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Defining a Role for Research Universities¡±. 

Interested persons are invited to submit a one-page abstract of the papers they would like to present as a PDF attachment to before 31st March 2019. Successful applicants will be informed about the decision on their abstracts and the method for submission of full papers within 14 days. Full papers are expected in by 30th September 2019. 

 Call for Abstracts, Recovering, digitizing and practicalizing Africa¡¯s Indigenous Knowledge

Conference on African Studies, Kisii University, Kenya, July 15 - 20, 2019

ABSTRACTS DUE: March 15, 2019

Following broadly defined and multi-purpose transdisciplinary approaches to areal studies, the African Studies Research Center, Kisii is holding its first international conference focusing on four largely circumscribed thematic research areas under the theme of ¡°Recovering, digitizing and practicalizing Africa Indigenous Knowledge¡±. The goal in accordance with the objective of the emerging African Studies Research Center at Kisii University is to provide, fieldwork-based documentation of those traditional ways of knowing and doing things across nations of Africa spanning different institutions as well as give theoretical account of the same. The intent is to bring together scholars and practitioners alike to make sense of indigenous ways of knowing and of doing things across the continent, and to analyze persistent issues in a way that would liaise with science to proffer viable solutions that in turn would inform practice. Essentially, the conference is to transition us from Knowledge to practical applications.

Abstract submission: We invite abstracts (500 words maximum, excluding references) of unpublished work for oral presentations, posters, workshop, and theme sessions.

Acceptance notification: by April 2, 2019; Submit abstracts to:

Contact Info: Dr. Nyakundi, Kisii University. Kisii, Kenya 

CALL FOR PAPERS: EJOTMAS: Ekpoma Journal of Theatre and Media Arts

 Ekpoma Journal of Theatre and Media Arts (EJOTMAS) is committed to the promotion of scholarship in all the areas of Drama and Theatre, Media and Communication, Music and Dance, Performance Studies and other fields in the Arts and Humanities. Interested scholars and practitioners are hereby invited to submit articles for review and possible publication in Volume 7, Nos. 1&2 of EJOTMAS. 

The volume will be published in September,  2019.

MLA or APA style is acceptable provided it is consistently consistent. EJOTMAS is an indexed and abstracted journal, with online and print versions. 

Contact Info: Osakue S. OMOERA, Ph.D., CIMIM, M. Sonta, Department of Theatre and Media Arts, Faculty of Arts, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Nigeria

Email:; URL:

CALL FOR PAPERS: Iroro: A Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma

Interested scholars and practitioners are hereby invited to submit articles for review and possible publication in Volume 18, Nos. 1&2 of Iroro. 

The volume will be published in September, 2019.

MLA or APA style is acceptable provided it is consistently consistent.

Some volumes of Iroro are currently being put together for its online version that would be indexed and abstracted in the near future. Articles should be sent to:

Contact Info: Osakue S. OMOERA, Ph.D., CIMIM, M. Sonta, Department of Theatre and Media Arts, Faculty of Arts, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Nigeria

Email:; Contact Email:

Postdoctoral Fellowship Avalaible For 2019, NRF/DST SARChI Chair Research Programme in Geopolitics and the Arts of Africa, Fine Art Department, Rhodes University, South Africa

Suitable candidates are invited to apply for a Postdoctoral Fellowship hosted by the National Research Foundation SARChI Chair in Geopolitics and the Arts of Africa at Rhodes University, South Africa. The successful Postdoctoral Fellow will be an active participant in the Arts of Africa and Global Souths research programme, which comprises Geopolitics and the Arts of Africa (NRF/DST) and Publishing and Research of the South: Positioning Africa (Mellon). The programme is based in the Fine Art Department at Rhodes University.

The fellowship is worth R200 000 per annum (tax exempt), and the academic year runs from January to December 2019.

Postgraduate Bursaries available for 2019, Arts of Africa and Global Souths Research Programme, Fine Art Department, Rhodes University, South Africa

ARTS OF AFRICA AND GLOBAL SOUTHS comprises the SARChI research programme (Geopolitics and the Arts of Africa) supported by the National Research Foundation (NRF) in South Africa, and the Publishing and Research of the South: Positioning Africa (PROSPA) research programme funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

Professor Ruth Simbao, the NRF Research Chair in Geopolitics and the Arts of Africa invites suitable candidates to apply for postgraduate bursaries for PhD, MA and Honours studies in Art History/Art History and Visual Culture/Visual Studies.

Successful applicants will be active participants in a supportive research group environment at Rhodes University and will work on topics that resonate with the core research of the Chair. Please see for more information on the research team and research areas.

Bursaries are only available for students who are registered at Rhodes University full time and are based in Grahamstown (Makhanda) for the full duration of their studies.

2019-2020 Visiting Senior Fellowships, Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts

United States, September 21, 2018 to March 21, 2019

The Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts announces its program for Paul Mellon and Ailsa Mellon Bruce Visiting Senior Fellowships. Fellowships are for full-time research, and scholars are expected to reside in Washington and to participate in the activities of the Center throughout the fellowship period. Lectures, colloquia, and informal discussions complement the fellowship program. Each visiting senior fellow is provided with a study. In addition, visiting senior fellows who relocate to Washington are provided with housing in apartments near the Gallery, subject to availability. Visiting senior fellows have access to the notable resources represented by the art collections, the library, and the image collections of the National Gallery of Art, as well as to the Library of Congress and other specialized research libraries and collections in the Washington area.

Paul Mellon and Ailsa Mellon Bruce Visiting Senior Fellowships are intended to support research in the history, theory, and criticism of the visual arts (painting, sculpture, architecture, landscape architecture, urbanism, prints and drawings, film, photography, decorative arts, industrial design, and other arts) of any geographical area and of any period 

  • award period: March 1¨CAugust 15, 2019
  • deadline: September 21, 2018
  • award period: September 1, 2019¨CFebruary 29, 2020
  • deadline: March 21, 2019 

Contact Info: Further information about programs at the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, including predoctoral fellowship programs, as well as application instructions, may be found by visiting or by contacting the Fellowship Officer or Associate Dean, Peter Lukehart, at the Center by telephone: (202) 842-6482 or email:; Contact Email:; URL:

AfriScoN Conference call for papers: Knowledge loss, bondage and regrets in post-contact societies 

Faculty of arts, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria, 9-13 December 2018

Scholarly discussions around the experiences of most post-contact societies are encountered through theoretically and methodologically radical works such as found within the purview of postcolonial studies. We get a sense of the particularities and the universals in how colonial legacies are experienced and challenged. Yet, we must acknowledge the persistent domination of received over the indigenous knowledges in Africa for instance. In the Africanity Scholars inaugural conference, we ask how one might conceptualise loss, bondage, and regret in thinking about the tensions between autochthonous and heterochthonous knowledge systems. How do religion, technology, culture, society, disciplinary formations, academic discourses, etc. structure and simultaneously play as the sites of these tensions? Papers are invited from academics, scholars, practitioners and advocates of indigenous knowledge systems and graduate students whose research interests relate to these questions.

Deadline for call for papers: 31 August

Contact Person: John Kelechi Ugwuanyi; For more information, call +2348068092148 (Nigeria); +18477355169 (USA); +447771725434 (UK)

Email:; Conference blog:

Arts Lounge Africa, Grahamstown, South Africa, 30 June 2018 ¨C 4 July 2018 

ARTS LOUNGE AFRICA is a platform for live art, conversations with artists, and exhibitions that is activated during the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown, South Africa. It is organized and hosted by the Arts of Africa and Global Souths research team at Rhodes University (

Call For Papers: SAHS Southern African Historical Society 27th Biennial Conference, 24-26 June 2019, South Africa

Trails, Traditions, Trajectories: Rethinking Perspectives on Southern African Histories

This 27th Biennial Conference of the Southern African Historical Society comes barely a year before the 200th Anniversary of the 1820 English Settlers who occupied parts of Eastern Cape including Grahamstown itself, dispossessing Xhosa and other groups. The histories of these settlers was pivotal to the later colonisations of what later became Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Malawi and Zambia, as South Africa became a base for British colonialism regionally. The broader Southern African region is rethinking the legacy of dispossession: for example, with resource nationalism in Mozambique and decades of radical land redistribution in Zimbabwe, both of which have had significant implications for the region¡¯s economic performance, leading to illegal goods and human traffic. The pronouncement ¨C towards the end of the Zuma era in South Africa - of ¡®radical economic transformation¡¯ and ¡®expropriation of land without compensation¡¯ signals the need for historians to engage with these crucial issues. Of equal concern is the rise of China as a global economic player and its impact on Africa. How could historians of our time examine African economic histories?

Proposals: Proposals for the various sessions will be in the following formats: papers, panels and roundtable discussions. Please consider choosing a session format that will most effectively achieve your intellectual goals and facilitate lively interaction among presenters and the audience. Paper submissions should include an abstract (max 200 words) and a very short bio of about 100 words. Panel and roundtable submissions should include a minimum of three papers (each with a 300-word abstract and short bio), a proposed moderator/chair (if possible), and a 100-word abstract. Please email these to Enocent Msindo, @ by 15 December 2018.

Further details regarding conference registration, student bursaries, conference logistics, the SAHS Vice-Presidential student essay prize, and the special conference issue of the South African Historical Journal will be published on the SAHS conference website in due course. Visit: 

For more information, please email Enocent Msindo:  or Nomalanga Mkhize, 

Rhodes University Postdoctoral Fellowship

Applications are invited for 2019

Closing Date: 31 July 2018

The University Council has established several Rhodes University Postdoctoral Fellowships across all faculties which may be awarded for one year with the possibility of renewal. The Fellowships are intended to foster existing research and scholarly or creative activities within Rhodes University departments and institutes. Ideally a Fellow's proposed work will closely complement existing programmes in the host department.

Global South Senior Research Fellowship at the American University in Cairo

The American University in Cairo has received a generous grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to support an ambitious program to promote work in the ¡°Public Humanities in Egypt and the Global South¡±. This grant is administered through a dedicated academic unit, HUSSLab?.

HUSSLab herewith invites applications for one Senior Research Fellowship, which will enable a prolific scholar in any branch of the Humanities to spend one full Semester in Cairo, and to engage in HUSSLab¡¯s program of research, teaching, and public outreach.

The Global South Senior Research Fellow, during their one semester at AUC, will (1) contribute to HUSSLab seminars and workshops, (2) give one public lecture at the AUC Tahrir campus on an issue in the public humanities related to their research, and (3) offer research mentoring workshops for junior AUC faculty or HUSSLab partner organizations.

Application procedure: In order to apply, please send a short covering letter, your curriculum vitae and a short outline of your proposed activities (max. length 1000 words) to Mark Muehlhaeusler, Deputy Director of HUSSLab (
The deadline for applications is June 15th, 2018. Applicants will be notified in writing on or before June 30th, 2018.

African Critical Inquiry Programme: Call For Proposals to Organize a Workshop

Closing Date: Tuesday 1 May 2018 

The African Critical Inquiry Programme invites proposals from scholars and/or practitioners in public cultural institutions in South Africa to organize a workshop to take place in 2019. The African Critical Inquiry Programme (ACIP) seeks to advance inquiry and debate about the roles and practice of public culture, public cultural institutions and public scholarship in shaping identities and society in Africa.

For full information about this opportunity and how to apply, see the full Call for Proposals listed under ¡°ACIP Opportunities¡± on our website:

Call for papers: International Conference: Theme: Knowledge loss, bondage and regrets in post-contact societies 

9-13 December 2018, Faculty of Arts, University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Scholarly discussions around the experiences of most post-contact societies are encountered through theoretically and methodologically radical works such as found within the purview of postcolonial studies. We get a sense of the particularities and the universals in how colonial legacies are experienced and challenged. Yet, we must acknowledge the persistent domination of received over the indigenous knowledges in Africa for instance. In the Africanity Scholars inaugural conference, we ask how one might conceptualise loss, bondage, and regret in thinking about the tensions between autochthonous and heterochthonous knowledge systems. How do religion, technology, culture, society, disciplinary formations, academic discourses, etc. structure and simultaneously play as the sites of these tensions? Open panels, closed panels or single proposals are invited from academics, scholars, practitioners and advocates of indigenous knowledge systems and graduate students whose research interests relate to these questions. 

PANEL SUBMISSION: Interested persons can submit proposals of a maximum of 1500 words. Deadline for submission is 30 April 2018 and can be made in indigenous languages with the abstract translated into the English Language. You can click here to download call for panel proposal. Call the following lines for further information: +2348068092148 (Nigeria); +18477355169 (USA); +447771725434 (UK)

2018 ASA Presidential Fellows Program 

The ASA Presidential Fellows Program provides opportunities for academics and practitioners with a scholarly interest in Africa to travel to attend and present at the ASA Annual Meeting, visit institutions of higher learning in the United States, engage with academics working on Africa-related issues, and to explore opportunities for collaborative ventures. 

The ASA has two members-nominated fellowships available, with additional fellowships to be made available contingent on funding. Nominations must be submitted through this online form, and all nominations must be received by Tuesday, March 20. 

Eligibility and Nomination Requirements: Applicants must be based in a higher education institution or an organization on the African continent and should be able to demonstrate a scholarly commitment to work on issues affecting Africa. Please note that preference will be given to junior scholars - which we understand as scholars about to complete their Ph.D. or within 5 years past completion. 

All applicants must be nominated by a current ASA member. If you are an applicant interested in the Program, you may consult the ASA's Membership Directory to find and contact an ASA member who can nominate you. Please note that the Membership Directory is only available to members of the African Studies Association, via the ASA Membership Portal. Please visit the ASA Membership Portal to obtain information about becoming a member of the ASA and to register for ASA membership.  We encourage you to renew your ASA membership and register for the Annual Meeting. You can register online through the myASA Member Portal. The nominating member must be willing to host and mentor the Fellow during their visit. 

Deadline for applications: Tuesday, March 20. You can submit your nominations via our online form; Please contact the ASA at with any questions.

African Studies Association 2018 CFP: Energies: Power, Creativity and Afro-Futures (deadline March 15), Georgia, United StatesCALL FOR PROPOSALS

Deadline for proposal submissions: March 15, 2018

61st Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association; Energies: Power, Creativity and Afro-Futures; November 29 - December 1, 2018

ABOUT THE MEETING: We are soliciting proposals for papers, panels, roundtables, Author meets Critic, and flash sessions. Presentations may focus on the theme of ¡°Energies: Power, Creativity and Afro-Futures¡± or on broader social science, humanities, and applied themes relating to Africa. We strongly encourage the submission of formed panels. You can find more information about the theme and the call for proposals on the ASA website. 

HOW TO SUBMIT A PROPOSAL: Instructions for submitting proposals can be found online in the ASA's 2018 Submission Guidelines
Contact Info: Renee DeLancey, African Studies Association, Program Manager,
ASA 2018 CFP:

Call for Proposals for Funding with your African and Middle-Eastern Colleagues

Stimulating young people to work towards an open, inclusive society through arts and culture.

The Prince Claus Fund announces a new Call for Proposals: the Next Generation 2018. The Fund will support one-year initiatives by and for young people that inspire them to contribute to their societies in ways that make them more inclusive and accepting of differences. The programme is designed to create safe spaces for young women and men where they can explore the possibilities of different stories or alternative narratives that allow them to imagine different ways of being.

This call (The Next Generation 2018) seeks proposals that enable young people (ages 15-30)* in countries eligible from Africa and the Middle East to explore, define and represent their identities through arts and culture in a project that lasts a maximum of one year. Please find attached here the list of countries, which are eligible within Africa and the Middle East.

Please click here for a summary of the programme; The Prince Claus Fund supports projects with a financial range up to €25,000.

The deadline for the submission of applications is Friday, March 16th, 2018 at 17:00h (Dutch Time (CET).

More information:; All inquiries and clarity, refer to Premila Gamage:

Call for Papers African Studies Association Conference (Nov. 29-Dec.1, 2018 in Atlanta)

March 1, 2018, Massachusetts, United States

Panel Title: Race, Blackness, and Africa: West Africans in the Maghreb

In recent years, the Maghreb has become increasingly oriented toward the larger continent of Africa, refocusing its eastward gaze on its neighbors just south of the Sahara. While historians have shown growing interest in historic trans-Saharan contact and trade, comparatively little attention has been given to how contemporary migration of West Africans into the north have impacted Maghrebi culture, society, and everyday life more broadly. Whether through economic initiatives, newly (re)formed political bonds, or changing (im)migration patterns, this panel asks how North Africans are being compelled to rethink both their own africanit¨¦ as well as the place of other Africans in Maghrebi societies.

Please submit 250 word abstracts by March 1, 2018 for consideration to Kristin Gee Hickman and Cynthia Becker.  Registration deadline for the African Studies Association Conference is March 15, 2018. 

Panel Organizers: Kristin Gee Hickman, PhD Candidate, Anthropology, University of Chicago, 1126 E. 59th St., Chicago, IL 60637,

Cynthia Becker, PhD, Associate Professor, Boston University, History of Art & Architecture Department,

Tangible ¨C Intangible Heritage(s) ¨C Design, Social and Cultural Critiques on the Past, Present and the Future

University of East London, 14 ¨C 15 June 2018

Abstracts: 01 April 2018; Abstract Submission Form 

Early Abstracts reviewed on a rolling basis from 01 Jan 2018. This allows international delegates time to arrange travel plans. 

This conference calls upon art and architectural historians, sociologists, cultural theorists, architects, planners, urban designers, to critique the urban conditions of the past with a view to informing the present.

For more details:

Call for papers for the Maiduguri Journal of Arts and Design (MAIDJAD): Concepts in Art, Design and Theatre (Book): Second and Third Editions

The Department of Visual and Performing Arts, Faculty of Arts, University of Miduguri is requesting for Chapter contributions for its second edition of the book titled: Concepts in Art, Design and Theatre: An Anthology of Current Issues II. Chapter contributions are based on the following areas of specialisation within the arts, design and theatre fields: Painting, Sculpture, Textiles, Graphics, Music, Dance, Drama, Art pedagogy, Art history, Musicology and Ceramics. For more information go to: 

Call for Chapter Contributions; Concepts in Art, Design and Theatre, Second Edition 

Call for Chapter Contributions: Concepts in Art, Design and Theatre, Third Edition

Critical Arts: South-North Cultural and Media Studies: Open Call for Papers ¨C The ethnographic turn

Theme: Because of the ongoing complexity of practice-led research in general, and artistic research with a focus on ethnography in particular, Critical Arts will issue an open call for papers, inviting papers and vignettes that explore issues with regard to artistic research, (ethnographic) knowledge, and (cultural) difference.

Submission guidelines: Critical Arts is currently accepting submissions for publication in 2019 and 2020. To be considered for publication in 2019, full papers should be submitted by 1 June 2018.

Information and instructions for authors can be found at

All completed manuscripts MUST be uploaded onto the online manuscript portal ScholarOne:

Further inquiries about this open call can be addressed to

2018 International Conference and Chinua Achebe Lecture

The Faculty of Arts, University of Nigeria, Nsukka announces the 2018 International Conference and Chinua Achebe Lecture to be held on 8-13 April 2018 at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka campus.

Theme: "Evolving Trends in Arts and Humanities in Twenty-First Century."

We seek abstracts that address any of the conference sub-themes which can be accessed on the University of Nigeria website (

Deadline for submission of abstracts has been extended from 30 January to 28 February 2018

Contact Info: For inquiries, contact Dr. George Agbo: or Prof. V. Ukaogo:

Contact Email:

Invitation to Participate in the 20th Harmattan Workshop 2018

18 February - 1 March 2018, Niger Delta Cultural Centre, Agbarha-Otor, Delta State in Nigeria.

Registration Deadline, 2 February 2018

The programme is organized by Bruce Onobrakpeya Foundation. 

Onobrakpeya is known to be a 'Master of Masters' in Nigerian art, he is an octogenarian vibrant artists who is still in active practice. 

The Harmattan Workshop is an annual event that usual attracts visual artists, scholars and art enthusiasts from Africa and across the globe.

Reminder: African Critical Inquiry Programme: Call For Proposals to Organize a Workshop

Closing Date: Tuesday 1 May 2018

The African Critical Inquiry Programme invites proposals from scholars and/or practitioners in public cultural institutions in South Africa to organize a workshop to take place in 2019. The African Critical Inquiry Programme (ACIP) seeks to advance inquiry and debate about the roles and practice of public culture, public cultural institutions and public scholarship in shaping identities and society in Africa.

Call for papers: Migrants: art, artists, materials and ideas crossing borders

15 -16 November 2018, Cambridge, United Kingdom

The Hamilton Kerr Institute, University of Cambridge, undertakes the practical conservation of works of art, conducts technical and historical research and publishes on these topics. It also provides conservation training to postgraduate students and interns. The Institute is organising a conference entitled Migrants: art, artists, materials and ideas crossing borders which will be held on 15-16 November 2018, in Cambridge. This two-day conference, will reflect on the role of migration as embodied in works of art and material culture as documented in visual and written sources.

Announcing Journal of West African History, Volume III, Issue II


The Journal of West African History (JWAH) is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed research journal that publishes the highest quality articles on West African history. Located at the cutting edge of new scholarship on the social, cultural, economic, and political history of West Africa, JWAH fills a representational gap by providing a forum for serious scholarship and debate on women and gender, sexuality, slavery, oral history, popular and public culture, and religion. The editorial board encourages authors to explore a wide range of topical, theoretical, methodological, and empirical perspectives in new and exciting ways. The journal is committed to rigorous thinking and analysis; is international in scope; and offers a critical intervention about knowledge production. Scholarly reviews of current books in the field appear in every issue. And the publication is in both English and French; an abstract in both languages will be provided. JWAH is published by Michigan State University Press.

Call for Applications: RAW Acad¨¦mie Session 4

March 26¨CMay 11, 2018 

Application deadline: January 14 

What is RAW Acad¨¦mie?
RAW Acad¨¦mie is an experimental residential programme for the research and study of artistic and curatorial practice and thought. The programme takes place over 7 weeks in Dakar. It is dedicated to a dynamic reflection on artistic research, curatorial practice and critical writing. The Acad¨¦mie is held during two distinct sessions per year; October¨CDecember and April¨CJune. Each session is directed by a lead faculty who has displayed an off-the-beaten-track practice in regard to art, curating and art criticism. Session 4 will be led by the Durban based South African performance and video artist Tracey Rose. It will take place from March 26 to May 11, 2018, and will coincide with the 13th edition of the Dakar Biennial

Call for Papers: Decolonizing the Academy Critical African Studies

This Special Issue of Critical African Studies seeks to consolidate, amplify, interrogate, and forward intellectual discourse related to decolonizing African Studies from an intersectional perspective.

Submission Deadline: 1 January 2018

 Art and Craft and the Politics of Re-Inventing Tradition in Postcolonial Spaces

1 to 3 June 2018, British Museum

The Art, Materiality and Representation conference will be held 1 to 3 June 2018 at the British Museum, Clore Centre and SOAS, Senate House.

We invite scholars, artitsts and craft makers to submit abstracts for our panel ¡°Art and Craft and the Politics of Re-inventing Tradition in Postcolonial Spaces¡±. Our panel number on the conference announcement is panel P097. ART AND CRAFT AND THE POLITICS OF RE-INVENTING TRADITION IN POSTCOLONIAL SPACES By Chuu Krydz Ikwuemesi (PhD) and Chidi Ugwu (PhD), University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Deadline for submission: 20 January 2018

Representations of Sub-Saharan Africa - Deadline extended

The research group MEDIA is organizing a one-day workshop on representations of Sub-Saharan Africa since decolonisation as presented in the media of the English-speaking world. The workshop will be held at the University of Paris 8 on 16 February 2018.

Please submit an abstract (in French or English) of 250-300 words by November 15, 2017 to the following address:

Call for Submissions to African Notes: Volume 42, Numbers 1 & 2, 2018

African Notes welcomes submissions from a wide range of disciplines with as wide methodological orientations for its regular issues. It also welcomes special editions from interested guest editors from around the world. 

Deadline for submission of articles and reviews is 15th January, 2018.

For queries and submissions of articles and reviews, contact the Editor at; phone: +234 705 661 5698.

While articles should be between 6000 and 8000 words, a review should not exceed 1500 words.

Tangible ¨C Intangible Heritage(s): Design, social and cultural critiques on the past, present and the future

Place: University of East London, UK

Dates: 14 ¨C 15 June 2018

ABSTRACT DEADLINE: 01 March 2018  

PUBLICATIONS: Publications are coordinated via PARADE (Publication & Research in Art, Architectures, Design and Environments). It involves AMPS, Routledge Taylor&Francis, UCL Press,  Intellect Books, Libri Publishing, UCL Press, Vernon Press and more.

ORGANISERS: University of East London, AMPS (Architecture, Media, Politics, Society)

Core Program | Making Worlds: Art, Materiality, and Early Modern Globalization

Organized by Making World: Art Materiality, and Early Modern Globalization & co-sponsored by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Insight Grant

Conference 1: In Between Spaces

October 12-13, 2018

Conference 2: Material Flows

February 1-2, 2019

Conference 3: Other Worlds

May 3-4, 2019

CFP: Extended deadline for International Conference on Regionalism, Culture and the Arts

Deadline Extended until 31 October 2017

The 2018 International Conference on Performing and Visual Arts is investigating the importance and relevance of regionalism in culture and the arts.

Endangered Culture and Identity in the 21st Century: The Esan and other Nationalities in Nigeria

1 ¨C 2 November 2017, Nigeria

Studies in cultures have shown that in both advanced and developing worlds, aspects of culture have continued to go steadily into disuse and endangered. This conference is organised to interrogate the paradigms associated with endangered cultures and identity as critical realities in the 21st century and to stimulate debates and ways to remedy the endangered aspects of the various Esan and Nigerian cultures trapped and endangered. 

Abstract Submission Guidelines: Abstract not exceeding 250 words should be sent to on or before October 20, 2017. Acceptance of abstract shall be communicated within a very short period. Author(s) should indicate names, institutional affiliation, contact address, valid mobile number(s) and email address. 

Note: Authors can send manuscripts to be included in the maiden edition of Journal of Esan and Nationality Studies (JENS) 2018, a publication of CERDEL.

Humanities through the Ages

Call for Papers

7 - 10 March 2018, California, United States

Submissions are encouraged from educators at all levels (including undergraduate/graduate students) as well as all those with an interest in the arts and humanities. Proposals for papers, panels, or workshops (150-200 words) must be submitted through the conference submission portal on the HERA website at

Rutgers University Art History Graduate Student Symposium

20 April 2018, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey


Deadline: December 30, 2017

"Making a Spectacle: Audience and the Art of Engagement"

8th Annual Art History Graduate Student Symposium; Organized by the Rutgers University Art History Graduate Student Organization (AHGSO) 

CFP: Transnational belonging and subjectivity-in-process: contemporary women artists¡¯ encounters with space

Christie's New York, June 26 - 27, 2018

Deadline: Dec 15, 2017

Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program

Applications are now being accepted through December 8, 2017 11:59 PM EST for the Fall 2017 competition of the Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program (CADFP) 

  • Accredited universities in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda can submit a project request online to host a scholar.
  • Scholars born in Africa, who live in the United States or Canada and work in an accredited college or university in either of those two countries, can apply online to be placed on a roster of available candidates for a fellowship. Scholars must hold a terminal degree in their field and may hold any academic rank.

Peer Reviewed Book Project: Call for Chapters:

¡°Emerging Performance Theories in Postliberation Africa: Projections, Trajectories and Paradigms¡±

Submission of abstracts: 08 December 2017

Expected date of publication: December 2018-April 2019

Please send your abstracts to Nkululeko Sibanda: and Dr. Miranda Young-Jahangeer:

Call for Papers: the Cinematic City: Desire, Form and the African Urban (Special Issue (30 Sept))

Submission of abstracts: 30 September 2017

Submission of articles: 28 February 2018

This special issue of the Journal of African Cinemas seeks articles that address questions at the intersections of cinematic form and the African urban. We aim to examine the contribution of cinema and audiovisual media to our understanding and experience of contemporary cities from an African perspective. We also want to problematize the circulation of terms such as ¡°Afropolitanism,¡± ¡°Afro-polis¡± ¡°Afro-modernity¡± and ¡°Afro-urbanity¡±, which often define the kinds of sentiment invested in or associated with the city in Africa. We are seeking articles that question whether these terms sufficiently evoke issues of specificity and materiality.

CfP: Script, Print and Letterforms in Global Contexts: the Visual and the Material

Deadline for proposals: 15 November 2017

In this conference, we seek to explore the plurality of the printed and written word in various writing systems of the world, and stimulate a deeper engagement with artefacts: whether handwritten, lithographed, typographically printed, or digitally conjured. We invite both scholars and practitioners, broadly in the areas of design, printing, publishing, typography, and book history, to bring critical perspectives and present fresh approaches to the study of the visual and material aspects of print in the diverse linguistic contexts of the world.

TO APPLY: please send a suggested title, synopsis (300-word abstracts) and biographical details (up to 150 words) via a PDF or Word attachment to by 12-noon GMT, 15 November, 2017.

VENUE: Faculty of Arts, Design & Media, Birmingham City University, UK.

DATES: Thursday 28 June ¨C Friday 29 June, 2018

PUBLICATION: All papers will be considered for publication in Printing History and Culture a new CPHC* book series published by Peter Lang Ltd.

Conceptualizing Sacred Space(s): Perspectives from the Study of Culture

May 23¨C25, 2018, International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC), University of Giessen, Germany.

We invite proposals on both conceptual papers and more empirically oriented studies that discuss the (un)making of ¡°sacred space(s)¡± as well as the spatial constructions of ¡°the sacred¡± and processes of (de-)sacralization over time and space.

Please send an abstract of no more than 250 words and a short CV by Nov. 1, 2017 to Jens Kugele ( and Katharina Stornig ( Participants will be notified by mid-November.

Art as Ethnography/Ethnography as Art

Call for papers. Invitation to submit papers for the panel 'Art as Ethnography/Ethnography as Art' (P002) as part of the forthcoming international conference Art, Materiality and Representation to be held at the British Museum and SOAS (London) in June 2018.

African Humanities Program: 2017 - 18 Fellowship Competition

The African Humanities Program (AHP) seeks to reinvigorate the humanities in Africa through fellowship competitions and related activities in Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, and Uganda. In partnership with the Carnegie Corporation of New York, which has generously provided funding, AHP offers African scholars an integrated set of opportunities to develop individual capacities and to promote formation of scholarly networks. The African Humanities Program supports the Carnegie Corporation¡¯s efforts to develop and retain African academics at universities in Africa.

  • Completed applications must be submitted by November 2, 2017.
  • Applications must be submitted by email to

Call for Papers: International Journal of Art and Art History

International Journal of Art and Art History is a scholarly journal which supports and promotes the study of the art and practice of art historical writing. The journal is committed to studying art historical scholarship, in its institutional and conceptual foundations, from the past to the present day in all areas and all periods.

The online publication date is: 31 December 2017. Submission Deadline: 30 September 2017.

Senior Lecturer / Associate Professor in Art History and Visual Culture

Fine Art Department, Rhodes University, South Africa

For Application form and relevant information Click here  

Closing Date: 14 August 2017

Call for Postdoctoral Fellowship for 2018

NRF/DST SARChl Chair Research Programme in Geopolitics and the Arts of AfricaFine Arts Department, Rhodes University, South Africa 


Suitable candidates are invited to apply for a Postdoctoral Fellowship hosted by the National Research Foundation SARChI Chair in Geopolitics and the Arts of Africa at Rhodes University, South Africa. The successful Postdoctoral Fellow will be an active participant in the Arts of Africa and Global Souths research programme, which comprises Geopolitics and the Arts of Africa (NRF/DST) and Publishing and Research of the South: Positioning Africa (Mellon). The programme is based in the Fine Art Department at Rhodes University. Read more 

Closing Deadline: 15 September 2017

Call for Postgraduate Bursaries for 2018

Arts of Africa and Global Souths Programme, Fine Art Department, Rhodes University, South Africa

ARTS OF AFRICA AND GLOBAL SOUTHS comprises the Publishing and Research of the South: Positioning Africa (PROSPA) research programme funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and the Geopolitics and the Arts of Africa SARChI programme supported by the National Research Foundation in South Africa. Areas of postgraduate study include Art History, Visual Studies, Fine Art Practice and Curatorial Studies.

Professor Ruth Simbao, the NRF Research Chair in Geopolitics and the Arts of Africa invites suitable candidates to apply for postgraduate bursaries for PhD, MA/MFA and Honours studies in 2018. Read more

Closing Deadline: 30 September 2017

Call for papers: Black Portraiture[s] IV: The Color of Silence

Havana, Cuba. March 15-17, 2018

BLACK PORTRAITURE[S] IV: The Color of Silence is the eighth conference in a series of conversations about imaging the black body. We invite artists, activists, and scholars to reflect on the visual expressions of national imaginaries and political ideologies that negate racial differences and render black subjects invisible.

We invite papers and panel proposals on relevant topics.

Call for Papers: Conference on 'The Icon as Cultural Model: Past, Present and Future'

Utrecht, the Netherlands, 25 -26 January 2018

On Thursday 25th and Friday 26th of January 2018 the Humanities Department of the Open University the Netherlands organizes the international conference ¡®The Icon as Cultural Model: Past, Present and Future¡¯.  We cordially invite scholars from various disciplines to send in their abstract for paper presentations.

Deadline for abstracts is: 1 July 2017.

Call for Papers: Culture, Theory and Critique invites original full-length article submissions for its upcoming open issues.

Culture, Theory and Critique is a refereed, interdisciplinary journal for the transformation and development of critical theories in the humanities and social sciences. It aims to critique and reconstruct theories by interfacing them with one another and by relocating them in new sites and conjunctures. 

Please visit our website ( for instructions and guidelines on how to submit an article. 

Greg Hainge, Editor-in-Chief,

C& Critical Writing Workshop, 13 - 15 Sep 2017, Harare, Zimbabwe

With the support of the FORD FOUNDATION Contemporary And (C&) facilitates a three-day Workshop for young art critics based in Harare from 13th to 15th September 2017. 

The invitation is open to young art writers in the very early stages of their career.

Contemporary And (C&) is an online art magazine and a dynamic space for the reflection on and linking together of ideas, discourse and information on contemporary art practice from diverse African perspectives. C& is a rapidly growing cultural platform that lies at the intersection of contemporary art, art critic and digital media.

Dealine for submission: 15 August 2017

Postcolonial Mediations: Globalisation and Displacement Conference, 26 - 27 October 2017

Fourth Annual Amsterdam Centre for Globalisation Studies Conference, University of Amsterdam.

Postcolonial thinking has challenged the stability of discourses on culture, globalisation, economics, human rights and politics. Postcolonial thinking, as a form of mediation and displacement of worldviews, triggered a re-evaluation of the complex connections between culture, class, economy, gender and sexuality. This conference aims to engage with such postcolonial displacements.

Call For Papers - First Call: Carceral Cultures, 1-4 March 2018

Canadian Association of Cultural Studies Conference, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

We invite participation in the CACS meeting for 2018 on the theme of carceral cultures in order to examine the myriad ways in which the carceral has come to shape the economies, ecologies, aesthetics, and social and political experiences of contemporary culture.

Call for Papers: Race, Power and Mobilities, 26 - 27 October 2017

The Society for the Study of Ethnic Relations and International Migration (ETMU), University of Jyv?skyl?, Finland.

The 14th ETMU Days of 2017 will take place in Jyv?skyl?. This year¡¯s theme ¡°Race, Power, and Mobilities¡± hopes to break taboos around the word ¡°race¡± with the intention of reclaiming it and drawing attention to processes of racialization, power, and movement as well as their intersections. 

Call for Participation: College Art Association 106th Annual Conference, 21-24 February 2018

Los Angeles Convention Center, USA

The College Art Association (CAA) seeks paper and/or project proposals for the ¡°Sessions Seeking Contributors¡± listed in this document. The ¡°Sessions Seeking Contributors¡± were selected by the CAA Annual Conference Committee from proposals submitted by CAA members. All sessions will take place at the 106th Annual Conference, between February 21¨C24, 2018, at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

The deadline for submissions is: 14 August 2017.

Call for Papers: Special Edition of Ife Journal of History. Theme: Rituals, Myths and Festivals in a Changing Context

The edition is due for publication before the end of the year. 

We welcome papers/scholarly articles from scholars of history, religion, philosophy, anthropology and sociology, political science, economics and psychology. The papers could be general and specific on rituals, myths and festivals in Nigeria and other African countries.

PROSPA Publishing Workshop 2017, Kampala, Uganda

The Margaret Trowel School of Industrial and Fine Arts at Makerere University, Uganda and the Arts of Africa and the Global South research programme at Rhodes University, South Africa will host a five day publishing workshop in Kampala, Uganda from 4 to 8 July, 2017.

Rhodes University Postdoctoral Fellowship

Applications are invited for 2019

Closing Date: 31 July 2018

The University Council has established several Rhodes University Postdoctoral Fellowships across all faculties which may be awarded for one year with the possibility of renewal. The Fellowships are intended to foster existing research and scholarly or creative activities within Rhodes University departments and institutes. Ideally a Fellow's proposed work will closely complement existing programmes in the host department.

Although there is no age restriction, potential Fellows must hold a doctoral degree, awarded within the last five years, preferably from an institution other than Rhodes University and recognized as appropriate to the discipline for which the Fellowship is sought. The Fellowship will be awarded strictly on merit.

Applications for the Fellowships should be made through the potential host department and then directed to the Research Office (

For further information contact:




Last Modified: Mon, 09 Dec 2019 13:38:39 SAST