

Richard Acquaye

Dr Richard Acquaye is a Senior Lecturer in Textile Design at the Department of Textile Design and Technology, Takoradi Technical University, Takoradi, Ghana.He has undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in the field of printed textile designs and surface patterns. His PhD from the University of Southampton, UK, interrogated contemporary commercial production of indigenous West African fabric designs globally. His interests include both indigenous and contemporary West African textiles, digital, vintage and conventional printed textiles. 

Richard has attended and presented papers on West African Textile Designs at numerous conference venues around the world, including the ATT National Conference, Lagos, Nigeria; Global Creative Industries Conference, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong (2011) and AATCC  International Conference, USA (2017);17th ACASA Triennial Conference, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana; and The Textile Institute Centenary Conference, Manchester, UK. 

His textile design works have been exhibited internationally, including a joint exhibition ‘Image-Text-Object: Practices of Research’ at Level 4 Gallery, Hartley Library, Southampton in 2014 and more recently a solo exhibition at the Winchester Gallery, Winchester, UK dubbed ‘Cultural Conversations’. He has also contributed towards a number of international publications including serving as a reviewer for the Sage Textile Research Journal.


Last Modified: Tue, 06 Mar 2018 15:13:47 SAST