

Daniel Kodzo Avorgbedor

Daniel Kodzo Avorgbedor (PhD, Indiana U., 1986) is currently Associate Professor under a post-retirement contract with teaching and research activities in the School of Performing Arts and in the Institute of African Studies. His primary duties and responsibilities at Legon include teaching research methods and advanced theory courses at postgraduate levels, curriculum design and development, supervision and mentoring of graduate students, etc.  He is former President of the MidWest Chapter of the Society for Ethnomusicology (USA) and helped establish the ethnomusicology program and African Diaspora concentration tracks at The Ohio State University, Columbus (USA).  Professor Avorgbedor’s previous research grants include H.F. Guggenheim, Wenner-Gren, Lily Endowment, University of Ghana, and National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH, USA). He has published widely in international encyclopedias, peer-reviewed academic journals and edited special journal issues. He serves as international academic consultant and external examiner for universities in India, East, West and southern Africa, USA, etc. In addition, Professor Avorgbedor is Novell Certified computer Engineer with specialties in computer configuration, network administration and computer-lab instruction. His research and teaching areas include African cultures and civilization, African diasporas, urban ethnomusicology, cross-cultural aesthetics, and advanced research methods.



Last Modified: Mon, 14 Aug 2017 11:21:49 SAST