Penny completed her undergraduate degree in nursing and anthropology at the University of Natal, and then went on to obtain her honours and PhD in anthropology at Rhodes. Her PhD research was a comparative study of the beliefs in the water divinities across southern Africa, their role in the training of diviner-healers, and their connection to issues of fertility and morality, African indigenous churches (e.g. Zulu Zionism), as well as San rock art. Her primary interests are in the fields of African religion, healing and the environment (especially relating to sacred natural sites), dreaming and the interconnection between these. |
B Soc Sc (Nursing) - University of Natal (KwaZulu-Natal) B Soc Sc (Hons) Anthropology – Rhodes University PhD Anthropology - Rhodes University Contact DetailsTel: +27 (0)46 6037413 Email: Research InterestsMedical anthropology; environmental anthropology; religion and spirituality; anthropology of extraordinary experience, dreams, and healing; landscapes and sacred natural sites; indigenous peoples and indigenous knowledge. |
Last Modified: Mon, 20 Nov 2023 14:34:15 SAST