




What is Convocation?

Convocation is a statutory body which meets at least once a year (on the Saturday closest to 28th August) to discuss any matters affecting the University, and to convey its resolutions to the University Council and the Senate. All graduates of Rhodes University, the Vice-Chancellor, the Vice-Principal, Registrar, University Librarian, all permanent full-time members of the teaching staff, and the directors of the research institutes of the University, are members of Convocation. The Registrar is secretary ex officio. Old Rhodians who graduated from the University of South Africa while studying at Rhodes University College may apply to the Registrar to join Rhodes University Convocation. All members are entitled to vote for office-bearers. Convocation elects three of its members to the Council. Secretary: Dr A Moodly.

The meetings of Convocation and the Annual General meeting of the Old Rhodian Union takes place on the last weekend of August. The draft minutes of last years meeting are available upon request and will be circulated at the next meeting.



















Last Modified: Fri, 10 Dec 2021 13:22:49 SAST