
Rhodes>Allan Webb>Mission and Visions

Mission and Visions

The Residence System at Rhodes University

Our Vision Statement

The vision of the Rhodes University Residential System is to provide an attractive, comfortable, high-quality living environment which meets international standards and is committed to fostering the academic success and personal growth of tomorrow’s leaders.

Our Mission Statement

In support of the vision, mission, values and objectives of Rhodes University and the Dean of Students Division, the Residential System intends

* to provide a caring, nurturing environment

  • which fosters academic success and personal growth
  • free from discrimination, intimidation or harassment
  • which is clean, safe and secure
  • in which there is respect for and safety of personal property
  •  in which the rules are fair and just, and sufficient to maintain an orderly environment conducive to learning, research and community life.

* and to be a community

  • which embraces diversity
  • which recognises the unique value of each of its members
  • whose members are proud of their residence, Hall and University
  • whose members share the responsibility for supporting the vision and mission statement of the residential system
  • whose members receive due support and recognition for their contributions

* staffed by Wardens who are

  • dedicated, and committed to their own integrated involvement in their residence, Hall, and the University
  • committed to establishing an atmosphere which is conducive to academic study and personal growth
  • provided with appropriate skills and developmental training
  • supported by a responsive, empathetic, efficient and effective management and administrative structure.

Last Modified: Wed, 03 May 2017 14:31:03 SAST