

Postdoctoral Fellowship 2023





  • Internal Submission Deadline: Sunday, 06 November, 2022
  • Cycle: 2023
  • Discipline/Subject Area: African Studies
  • Funding Available: 240000
  • Important:: Dates in this platform follow the US format - Month/Day/Year
  • Description:

    The Rhodes University African Studies Centre (RASC) has African Cluster Centre (ACC) funding for Postdoctoral Research Fellowship positions.

    The Fellowship is intended to foster existing research, scholarly and/or creative artistic endeavours within any part of the African Studies cluster at Rhodes University. Ideally, a Fellow's proposed work will closely complement existing programmes of reconfiguring African Studies at the conceptual and structural level, and should align with one or more of the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence's six research sections of: (a) Moralities, (b) Knowledges, (c) Mobilities, (d) Arts & Aesthetics, (e) Affiliations, and (f) Learning. For more information on these research sections, please contact a prospective mentor who must be a member of the African Cluster Centre system. Visit our website for more details: /africanstudiescentre/

    We welcome applications from the following areas: African politics and political theory; African social and political history; water, ecology, environmental education/science and climatic change; African arts and aesthetics; African music and musicology; African philosophy, and lastly Languages and Literature (African, English and French) with special reference to Africa and African Diaspora literature, gender studies and related themes.

    Please note:

    • Although there is no age restriction, potential Fellows must hold a doctoral degree, awarded within the last five years at the time of application.
    • Candidates must demonstrate exceptional merit as evidenced by the quality and corpus of publications or other recognized forms of achievement relevant to the Fellow's discipline. They must also have a clear program of action and are expected to submit at least two papers for publication in an accredited journal or peer reviewed book volume during their year of fellowship.
    • Fellows will contribute to the intellectual life of the Centre by helping to organize and attend workshops, seminars and conferences.
    • Fellows are also encouraged to explore the possibilities of co-publishing with their mentors as they serve within existing projects.
    • We will not usually consider applicants whose PhDs have not yet been conferred.
    • We welcome applications from our sister ACCs at Mooi University, University of Lagos, Universite Ki-Zerbo, Ouagadougou, and University of Bayreuth.

    Value of the Fellowship

    Each Fellowship carries a package of R240 000 per annum. The fellow may apply for additional funding for research costs, and conference support, on a competitive basis. The Fellowship cannot be held concurrently with any supplementary funding.

    Conditions of Award


    The University expects that all publications, creative works and other academic products of the Fellowship will bear appropriate acknowledgement with full affiliation to Rhodes University as well as the funder, the German Research Foundation. The University reserves the right to co-ownership of inventions and/or patents directly emanating from research conducted under the sponsorship of the Fellowship.

    The University may request the refund of any fellowship paid to the Fellow should the Fellow terminate his/her contract prior to its completion.

    Award of the Fellowship

    Applications for the Fellowships should be made via the Rhodes Online Submission Engine (ROSE) at

    The determination of awards will be made by a committee comprising selected members of the Centre and the Advisory Board.

    Applications are due 6 November 2022

    The committee is not bound to award any or all of the Fellowships in any given year.



Click on the link below to view the call and APPLY.

Staff and current students must please login as a Rhodes University User, with their Rhodes username and password.

All other users will need to register (first time log in) and log in as Other Users.

Click here to apply 

Last Modified: Wed, 12 Oct 2022 10:52:33 SAST